007|| No, Katsuki

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Katsuki pov

"So, you've got three underclassmen. One who's basically sharing his body with an old fucking bad guy who looks exactly like him. A badass chick with hammers and voodoo dolls. An emo guy with shadow animals. The upperclassman are you, a girl who needs help to fight what I can't see, some guy who's in love with a curse, a guy who speaks in rice ball ingredients, and a furry.", I rambled, pausing to catch my breath.

"Yeah, that about sums up my friends.", my older sister shrugged.

"And then you've got like a council of elders who wanna kill the new guy which is stupid. Your teachers are off brand Kakashi, principal Build-A-Bear, and whatever your other brother is.", I finished.

"Kento is a mentor, not a teacher. He doesn't get paid enough to be a teacher. Plus, he says it sucks.", she replied.

"Ha, he'd get along with Aizawa-sensei.", I snickered.

"Oh yeah, totally. Nappy caterpillar and grumpy blond, great duo for sure.", she chuckled.

"Sound like you have a blast over there, (Y/n).", I stated bluntly as we walked over to a takoyaki stand.

"Definitely! I love having my life in constant danger. It's not easy being a hero and sorcerer at the same time, Katsuki. Sure it's a thrill but, it's fucking dangerous. I don't want you getting mixed up in it.", she stated firmly as the owner handed her the chicken takoyaki.

"Come on, it can't be that hard! You're just saying that to scare me away from your friends. You're jealous that I'll take them away from you and then you'll be all alone again.", I scoffed as I chewed on my octopus takoyaki.

"No, Katsuki. You can't join my school because you can't see what you're fighting. If you can't see what you're fighting against, you'll fucking die and I don't want to see that happen. I don't wanna explain to mom and dad that you died because you were too stubborn to stay out of trouble with the unknown! They'll think I'm on drugs!", she argued.

"Whatever! You know I'll be better than you at the sorcerer bullshit!", I cackled as I walked away, "you know I like a challenge, let me join your school! It ain't that bad, sis!", I continued.

"No. No. No. How many times do I have to say no for you to take that as an answer? Fifteen? You can't force yourself to see curses. You don't even have cursed energy, Katsuki! I do! No cursed energy means no fighting curses!", she yelled.

"What about that girl who uses cursed weapons to fight? I can just train with those!", I added stubbornly.

"That's different and no! She uses glasses to help her see! You don't need those! You can see perfectly fine! Just leave it!", she spat.

"At least let me try it for a bit! I'm not gonna end up dead like your folks!", I spat back.

Her eyes widened in shock, a pained expression now covered her face.

"What the fuck did you just say?", she asked bitterly.

"I'm not going to end up dead like your folks.", I repeated nonchalantly.

(Y/n) pov

"You have no right to bring up my parents. They were assassinated when I was a kid. All because of me being a sorcerer. I don't remember their faces but I remember their blood splattering my clothes as they got shot multiple times. They weren't killed by curses, but assassinated by humans, which create curses with their own negative energy. You can't handle being a sorcerer and you can't change my mind on that.", I finished coldly.

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