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Any beta pokemon you want me to use ?


Scarlett's plane landed in the kanto airport, scarlett got out of the plane with dixie next to her.

Some people were staring at dixie with confusion and a little fear, what was that pokemon ?

Scarlett glared at them and left the airport, first stop was pewter city.

She knocked on the front door of the gym and out came the gym leader brock.

Brock looked kinda bad, eyebags under his shut eyes, 5 o'clock shadow on his face.

Yeah he looked bad but don't blame him, he was still kicking himself for not doing more to protect ash from the traitors.

He defended him, pointed out that the things they accused him of doing was more of their fault.

Like ash didn't threaten them to come on his journey, and some of the difficult decisions he had to make was because he had no other choice.

And now ash was missing and he didn't know where he was, professor oak was counting on finding ash cause he considered ash as a second grandson.

But oak passed away before he ever knew what happened to ash, Gary took over as professor but he was still following any leads on to where ash could have been.

Infact oak was not the only professor that died before they could see ash again.

Professor birch died from kidney disease and kidney failure, his son brandon took over the professor's lab.

Professor rowan was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, one day lucas came over and saw professor rowan on the ground coughing up blood real bad.

He later died that day, lucas became the professor but he still wishes that he would have been quicker to save rowan.

Professor kukui died in a car crash and later professor burnet died from breast cancer, leaving their 2 month old all alone.

Lillie ( who never betrayed ash and couldn't go to kanto cause she caught a bad stomach virus) adopted Lei and became the professor of alola.

And finally professor sycamore died protecting a bunch of kids at the park from a rabid and wild ursaring.

All of them died without knowing if ash was alive or not, it was sad to think about.

But brock pushed those thoughts away and let scarlett in.

He explained the rules of a gym battle, he sent out golem.

Dixie defeated golem pretty quickly, that was the same thing with the other pokemon that brock had.

And brock was reminded that the way scarlett battled, it reminded him so much of ash.

Finally the battle was over and brock gave scarlett the pewter city gym badge.

And as scarlett left she waved bye to brock to which he returned it.


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