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Art ain't mine


After that whole fiasco with faba and the ex employees of aether paradise scarlett went on to the other trials which she passed pretty easily.

But she still took the time in seeing lana and kiawe in the hospital as they were recovering from the incident, they were distraught in learning about ash's death.

They told scarlett how ash helped them way back then and how they were very thankful for his help, scarlett was glad her dad was such a nice guy.

Now was the time for the championship in alola, the elite four really tested scarlett's abilities and pokemon to the brink.

The " champion " was gladion as ash gave him the position and said he can be the champion incase ash couldn't fulfill his duties.

The battle was immense as gladion's pokemon and her pokemon gave the battle their all, it was non stop on the edge of your seats action (guzma was even biting his nails cause of the action).

Soon it was down to silvally and naganadel which scarlett didn't even know his beast ball was in her bag but she wasn't complaining at all about it.

The two pokemon sent out their signature z-move attack (I just thought it would be cool for them to have such) but naganadel's z-move was ultimately the winner.

And as she accepted the championship award the alolan gang swore they saw ash right where scarlett was standing.

So after the championship they decided to throw a party in ash's memory and they told so many stories about him and scarlett was finding out how much he impacted these people.

And while scarlett could go to galar she did wanna try out the various things that alola had to offer, like surfing on a pokemon's back and the battle dome and even caught a meowth.

Though the meowth wasn't from alola and wasn't the one from team rocket, it was a calico looking meowth and it was so cute she added it to her team.

She did stop by kukui and burnet's graves to pay her respects to them and then helped lei capture his first pokemon which ended up being a shellos (the pink one).

But now it was time for her to leave and as the plane soared across the horizon she could see the sun set on her alolan arc.

She couldn't wait to see galar and the pokemon within or maybe find a evolution for one of her pokemon, cause arthur was showing signs of being ready to evolve but nothing was coming up.

Maybe galar has the answer, dixie just yawned and snored the whole flight to galar.


(Sorry it took so long and that the chapter was short, but we're getting close to the end)

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