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Two chapters in one day

Also would y'all kindly let me know what you think of the idea I posted in my communication tab Please ?


Scarlett arrived at hoenn pretty quickly, luckily she was able to phone saturn and tell him what she done.

He was very impressed that she took down misty and whitney, he never did like misty cause of her bitchy little attitude.

He even remembers the time that ash said that if he ever got into a relationship with misty then it would be the biggest regret of his life.

Misty would be abusive and controlling, but he avoided that fate.

But he didn't tell scarlett that, how would he even tell her about her dad.

Scarlett even showed him arthur and how she found him, cheron immediately pushed saturn out of the way.

Scarlett learned a lot about eevee and the moves that it can learn from each type.

So after that she bid them goodbye and got onto the plane, when she landed she rested up at a hotel and went to the first gym.

Roxanne grew up a lot in years, she got some new pokemon and her gym got a makeover.

Dixie made short work of her pokemon though roxanne's probopass gave her trouble, roxanne gave her the badge and wished her luck on the next gym.

She trained with arthur for a couple hours before resting up.

Brawly wasn't too hard and he was impressed that arthur landed the final hit against his hariyama (sorry if name is wrong).

Next was Watson, he was very fascinated by dixie and the history of gorochu.

Though she did hate magnemite and magneton, they just freak her out with their singular eyes.

The next gym was flannery who accidentally called her ash but corrected herself.

The battle was over and next was the petalburg gym who was run by may.

Oh how she hated that little stuck up spoiled brat, dixie also shared her anger by severely beating up and defeating all of may's pokemon.

There was no mercy and seeing the look of horror on may's face made her wish she had a camera to forever capture the moment.

But oh that's not all, when she found out that may was a pokemon contest queen in hoenn she decided to crush her in that too.

She put on a simple black dress with a sweetheart neckline and poofy sleeves with flat heeled shoes.

She utterly destroyed may in the contest, every single time.

She just destroyed may and made her a sobbing mess.

Oh how she loved it, she still wished that Norman was alive so he could have seen how far his daughter has fallen.

But Norman died a couple years ago, he got involved in a car crash that killed his wife and put his son in a wheelchair.

Some sources say that may pulled his life support off, she was believing that more and more.

Next was fortree city, it was a fascinating city to scarlett.

A town that lives in the trees, maybe she should visit here more often.

The gym leader was a pushover but otherwise not bad, the gym badge almost cut her index finger.

After that was mossdeep city, so far the only gym to have two people as the gym leaders.

Not counting the one on unova with the three brothers, you can only battle one of them.

Dixie and arthur worked like a well oiled machine, tate and liza went down fast.

She also caught a spheal, a male one she named reed. 

Finally was sootopolis city, apparently wallace went and became the champion when steven stone retired.

So in his place was juan, he was a fucking prick.

And since he decided to act like a prick, dixie showed his pokemon no mercy.

One by one his pokemon barely made a dent on dixie, while dixie was a nuke who destroyed them after she got done playing with them.

Juan just handed her the badge and ran for his life, good maybe this will teach him not to be a prick.

Next was the elite four of the hoenn region, they fell like dominoes.

And wallace was last, he had a wedding band around his finger.

" so you married Steven stone ? " scarlett asked, there were rumors of them dating but she thought those were fake.

" yes we are, we didn't expect people to find out so fast " he replied while fondly thinking about his husband.

After that the battle commenced, dixie and her team tried hard with reed even evolving in the middle of it.

But soon the hoenn championship title was hers, she immediately was excited to go home and take the championship title of the hardest champion in history.


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