Brothers, Bass, and Boy Problems.

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After the buffalo drive, Lee, Jamie, Kayce, Tate, and I took the scenic route, stopping at one of the property's many rivers. We played in the water and the boys caught some fish for a snack. 

L: "So, Kym, you wanna tell our brothers your big news or should I?" 

"Lee, you mother fucker, don't you dare." 

L: "Ooh, you kiss our father with that mouth?"  

"No but I kissed your last girlfriend with it." 

Laughter erupted from everyone, including Tate who was definitely taking that one to school with him. 

K: "Come on, sis you can't leave us in suspense." 

"Ugh, fine since y'all are gonna find out anyway... I'm gonna ask Ryan out to the music festival tonight. That is if I ever get the courage to." 

J: "Wait is that what all that bullshit at the breakfast table was?" 

L: "Yep, and I guess we know who her favorite brother is considering I couldn't get it out of her all day." 

M: "Come on, y'all know I don't have a favorite. I hate you all equally." 

K: "Getting back on track here but do you like em? Or is this more of a casual thing?"

L: "She doesn't like him, she looovveess him."

I pushed him away, "Seriously Lee I'm gonna stab you. But yes Kace, I like him, like I really like him. I have for a bit but I've always been way too nervous." 

J: "What do you have to be nervous about? Even a blind man can see that any one of those wranglers would jump on the opportunity if they so much as thought you had a sex dream about them." 

"Jamie! Little ears..." 

K: "Oh don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing he hasn't heard before." 

T: "Yeah you should hear some of the things I have. Like this one time mom and da-" 

K: "Hey! Okay Tate I think it's time to let the grown ups talk again..."

L: "No I kinda wanna hear the rest of that story." 

J: "As you were saying Kymberly." 

"Uh yea anyway, that's one of the main reasons I'm so nervous. Like what if he only says yes cuz I'm the boss' daughter, or what if he does like me and says no because he's intimidated by dad. Then, you know there's a whole 'nother can of worms to open if it ends badly... him being here for so long and such." 

K: "Those are all good points..."

"God, I feel like I'm gonna throw up thinking about it."

J: "If you're so nervous about it, why even ask."

"Honestly I don't even know, I let Alex and Dylan talk me into it. They thought since they were going on a double date, why not get me to finally face my fear and not fifth wheel. So here we are..."

L: "For what it's worth, little sister, I've been working with Ryan for a long ass time and I think it's worth the ask. Him and dad respect each other more than most the other guys, I don't see him saying yes, or no for that matter, out of anything other than his own opinion."

"That was actually really uncharacteristically helpful... thanks Lee." 

L: "Anytime." 

T: "So is the food ready yet or..." 

K: "Yeah it should be, let's check."


After finally getting back home I showered and got all dressed up for a potential date. I text Ryan twice to see if he could come to the house or something but no reply both times. Considering it would take him to get ready if he said yes, I was running out of time to ask. I finally admitted 'defeat' and went to ask him at the bunkhouse.

I knocked before entering, which is the usual universal sign that it's me. I immediately found the reason Ryan didn't answer my texts in the form of him in nothing but a towel, hair still wet.

"Uh, hey guys, Ryan can I talk to you for a sec?"

R: "Yeah, of course." 

We stepped into a corner the kitchen for 'privacy', 

"I'd ask you to step outside but... anyway, I was wondering, if you didn't have any other plans for tonight, if you'd like to go to the music festival with me and the girls... as a date?" I couldn't believe how intensely I was blushing, the amount of times I stuttered was embarrassing. 

His jaw dropped slightly before returning to reality and smiling, "Are you kidding me? I would love to. Give me like five minutes." 

I smiled, "Okay." 

He ran off into the bathroom and I took a seat at the dinning table, Lloyd joining me. 

L: "So, Ryan, huh?" 

"I should wait outside, shouldn't I?" 

L: "No, the only difference is how soon they're gonna start talking about you." 

I sighed before leaning in, "Did I just make a huge mistake?" 

He looked to the bathroom and then back to me, "I don't think so." 

His words really did comfort me, "Thanks."

It wasn't long before Ryan appeared from the bathroom and we were on our way to town in his truck. 

"Sorry if I put you on the spot asking you like that." 

"No, not at all. Besides, everyone got to see you ask me out looking like that." 

I laughed, "Like what?"

"Like a supermodel or something. At the very least a barrel racer I would wreck my life for." 

I laughed even harder, "Wow, I don't know if I deserve such an honoring compliment." 

"All that and more." he winked which caused me to blush even harder.

Ryan had always been one of my best friends from the moment he started working on the ranch so flirting was new to me, but I could definitely get used to it. It seemed he already had. 

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