New Low Man

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While loping a customer's horse, a text came through from Jamie;

Kayce got arrested, we don't know why. We're working on getting him out right now.

I shook my head slightly, "Christ, boys..." I heard the chopper start up and I resumed my work. I learned a long time ago to keep my hands clean when Jamie was needed.

A bit later Rip walked up, "Hey, I'm heading to the prison. You coming?"

"Yeah, get Jimmy to finish up here?"

He nodded and walked off to find the kid while I continued working through the cool-down. 


A group of men walked out, all of them reuniting with family. 

I spotted one lone man in a white hat holding a guitar case, "Tell me that's not our only option."

R: "'Fraid so, darlin'." he turned his attention out the window, "Hey!"

The man sauntered towards us, I already didn't like him. 

R: "What's your name?"

B: "Bingham."

R: "Yeah, what's your first name?"

B: "That is my first name."

R: "Alright, well what's your last name, then?"

B: "Non of your fucking business. I don't know you."

I rolled my eyes, "We're trying to offer you a job, don't be such a whiney bitch." I motioned to his hat with my head, "You a cowboy, or did you suck someone's dick for that?"

He scoffed, "By the looks of your truck, you've been sucking plenty."

Rip put his hand up to stop me from speaking, "Like she said, we're looking for a hand, if you think you're one."

B: "I'm cowboy enough."

"So was every other man in there," I mumbled under my breath, but Rip caught it and gave me a look. "Where'd you work?"

B: "Four-sixes, the Waggoner, Tongue River, Pitchfork."

R: "You're down in Texas then, huh?"

B: "Yeah. I was up here day-working on the Galt when I got into this mess."

R: "Good outfit."

B: "Yeah, they run a pretty tight ship."

"And what mess did you get yourself into, exactly?"

B: "Manslaughter."

R: "Well, walk us through it. We gotta know."

B: "Really ain't much to know. Dude got mouthy at a bar and swung on me, I swung back. Hit him right between the eyes. Fucker just went down and died. Can't explain it."

R: "That's some punch, Bingham."

B: "These windmills will swing."

I couldn't help but laugh, to which Rip ignored and continued talking,

"They're done swinging if you come work for me."

B: "Shit they're done swinging if I don't. I ain't never going back in that son of a bitch."

R: "Put your shit in the back." 

He did as he was told and got in the back.

I laughed again, "'These windmills will swing', what even is that?"

Rip chuckled slightly but Bingham got defensive,

"And who the fuck are you?"

I spun around to look him in his eyes, "I'm your fucking boss, buddy. The second you forget it will be your last one living. Now, listen and listen close, cons gotta pay a price to work on the Yellowstone."

His eyes were wide, surprised with my change in demeanor "So I heard."

"Well, you let me know now if you can't pay it."

B: "What else am I gonna fucking do?"

I nodded, "And you remember that. Let's go home, Rip."

R: "Yes, ma'am."


After running a handful of errands in town, we finally got back to the ranch. 

"Put your shit in the bunkhouse, work starts at 4am." I slid out of the truck and headed for the barn. I checked on each of the horses, taking my time with Birdie as I hadn't seen him all day. 

I walked into the bunkhouse, ready to see Ryan after a long day. I laughed at myself quietly as I shut the door behind me, I was head over heels for this guy. 

A mournful melody filled the air as Bingham's voice sang gravely, "Every day I seems to dig a little deeper and then nothing gets left behind,"

I stopped at the table where Ethan and Jake were sitting, "Y'all getting acquainted?"

E: "He seems like a cocky bastard."

"That's what I'm worried about," I walked to Ryan and slid my arm around his back, "Hey, baby." 

He kissed me and mirrored by previous actions.

I noticed Colby staring the singer down as he continued and I stuffed down a laugh. Rip walked into the room, 

Bingham stopped abruptly, "That's all y'all get."

C: "Well, if that's your happy, don't you ever play me goddamn sad."

I giggled slightly, quickly stopping as Rip stared down Jimmy and Bingham, 

"Alright, let's go." he snapped and repeated himself only once before the two jumped up and followed him out. 

I sighed, "Want a beer?"

Ryan laughed, "Bet your ass I do, but I'll get it." he kissed my temple before walking to the fridge to grab each of us one.

I noticed Colby's stare, "What?"

He threw his hands up, "Nothing, nothing,"

"No, say it."

C: "Y'all are cute, that's all."

"Oh, shut the fuck up." despite my words, I smiled. 


I only stayed for one beer before heading home. I headed for bed when I spotted Jamie sipping on a glass of whiskey.


He barely acknowledged me as he slightly lifted his head.

"Long day?"

Now he fully looked up, "A fuck show of a long day, Kym."


J: "Oh, yeah."

I nodded knowingly as I plopped down next to him. 

J: "Want one?"

"Nope," I picked up a glass and he smiled as he poured me some.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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