Tests of the Heart

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Rip and dad ducttaped the new hand to the saddle. 

J: "Look, I don't know nothing about horses."

R: "Well, you're getting a crash course, Jimmy."

He looked at where Colby, Ryan, and I were at the fence, "Should I pet him?"

We laughed, "I don't think that's gonna make much of a difference, but sure, pet him, Jimmy."

Rip handed him the reins, "You pull this so you don't flip back, you understand? Alright? He's gonna hate it for shit, but whatever you do, Jimmy, don't you let go."

J: "Look, can we just- can we talk about this for a second?"

Rip was already walking back to the fence, "Good luck, Jimmy."

Ry: "20 on the horse."

C: "I got 40 on the ball."

"Where's your faith, I got 20 on Jimmy." I only bet on him to give him a vote of confidence, truthfully I didn't mind losing the money.

Ry: "I'd expect some resistance."

J: "Define resistance."

Dad now joined up on the other side of the fence, "You be quiet. Resistance the kind of thing that defines itself, Jimmy."

"Alright, let's start this show. Give him a kick, Jimmy."

The both of them trashed around violently, Rip attempted to remind him to pull in his reins, though Jimmy's screams most likely drowned them out.

Ri: "Goddamn, that thing's a freight train."

"He sure is sticking on, though."

The horse bucked his way back passed us, 

Ry: "Whoo-whee, I don't miss being low man."

D: "Low man's what turns you into cowboys. It'll make him one, too."

Rip and I laughed to ourselves as Jimmy kept hollering, the horse being a long way from tiring.


After a long while, Jimmy went from being thrashed around to simply cantering around the pen.

C: "Well, you're almost a winner."

Ry: "Day ain't over yet."

"It seems like the sun is setting, though." I gave him a wink as he rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. 

His hand slowly slid his hand  from his side to mine, I looked at him, his face twisted into a shy smile. I glanced down the fence, dad was gone and Rip was occupied, I took his hand into mine and smiled. 


Eventually, the guys had to go off and do whatever was on their chore list for the day. Rip and I stayed at the corral, dad walked up, 

"Well, it's an even bet who quits first."

J: "Yeah? That boy quit hours ago. If he wasn't strapped to the saddle, he'd be laying in the dirt."

R: "He'll be a cowboy before sundown."

J: "It's just a favor, Rip. And I'm afraid that's all he'll ever be."

I looked at Jimmy, "No, dad, you're wrong about this one. I feel it." I pushed off the fence, having grown tired of watching him ride in circles. 


I found myself waiting on Rip's front porch with a case of beer, needing that shot of good sense only he could give me. 

He walked up, "The fuck're you doin' here?"

"Waiting for you to come home."

He unlocked his door, "Well come on then."

I sat the beer in his fridge, pulling out two. "I need'ta talk to you."

He groaned at he sat down, "That never ends well."

"Maybe not this time." I sighed as I joined him, "I went on a date."

He laughed, "And you're telling me why?"

"Because of who it was with..."

He lifted his brows to say 'spit it out' but remained silent.

"I was with Ryan." 

"Damn it, Kymberly!"

"I know! I know what you're gonna say bu-"

"Then you know how much you fucked up. I mean, one of the fucking Wranglers? What has gotten into you? Do you have any idea what kind of rough spot you've just put me in?"

I hung my head and nodded along, already having predicted every word.

He sighed, "Are you here to tell me I need to take a trip?"

I looked at him, my eyes wide, "No! No. It went so well, like, perfectly." I smiled recalling the way his arms wrapped around me while we swayed to the music. "We hit it off really well and we want to continue this. I felt the need to tell you, well, anyone. I've kind of been buzzing with no outlet." I chuckled nervously. 

"Look, as your friend, I want to be happy for you. And I am, I haven't seen you this happy in a long time. But... as your father's right hand-" 

"I know."

"And Ryan's been here so long, if anything happens-"

"I know."

"This can seriously backfire on you, on the whole ranch. I mean, what about all the other wranglers? Don't you think there's gonna be some jealousy there?"

"I know."

"Then why the hell did you go through with it?"

"I don't know!" I sighed, "It's just... No one has made me feel the way he does. And when I found out about Lee, he just held me while I cried. I've never been so comfortable around someone, so open. I really like him, Rip, and I'm hoping he likes me as much as he says he does."

He rubbed his temple, "You've lost your damn mind, you know that?"

I smiled, "I do."

"You really like this guy?"

I nodded, "More than I've liked anyone..."

He sighed but smiled, "Then I'm happy for you."

"Thank you, Rip."

"But seriously, he hurts you and I'll kill him." 

I laughed, "Trust me, I know. Hey, where were you tonight?"

Now he laughed, "On a date. With your sister."

My jaw dropped, "You're joking."

"Nope. We watched wolves eat an elk carcass in the park."

"How... romantic... How'd it go?"

"Okay, I guess. You know how she is."

"Unfortunately, I do. I also know how much she cares about you, whether she tells you or not." 

He smiled like that was exactly what he needed to hear, and maybe it was. Beth was complicated, her walls were impenetrable, but I knew somewhere deep, deep, deep down, she loved Rip more than she'd ever loved anyone or anything. She always had and she always will. 

We talked for another hour or two until I finally decided it was time to go home. He walked me to the door. Suddenly, I remembered I'd left my hat in the living room. I spun around, pinning myself between him and the door. Our breaths hitched at our closeness. 

He slowly moved his head towards mine, I didn't move. I didn't want to. The alcohol had clearly blinded us senselessly as our lips touched. His hands found themselves on my waist, mine in his hair.



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