Hospitals and Horses

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We all sat around an unconscious Lee. The nurse told us he may wake up in five minutes or five hours. Luckily for us, visiting hours didn't really apply so we didn't have to worry about him waking up alone. 

Jamie had just gotten back with coffee for each of us, Lee stirred slightly at his voice. We all jumped toward the bed, anticipating his next move. 

His eyes slowly opened as he groaned, "What... where am I?"

"You're in the hospital, Lee." 

D: "You've been shot, son."

He quickly became more alert as he did his best to look around the room and then himself. His gown covered his bullets wounds as all three were in his torso, it was a miracle he was alive.

L: "Well," he laughed, "ain't that a bitch?" 

We all smiled or chuckled, Kayce moved to the other side of the bed, Lee looked at him and got serious, 

"Thank you, brother. For getting me out of there." he gripped his hand tightly and they both teared up slightly. 

Lee said his piece with everyone before clearing his throat suddenly, "Now, if you all will excuse us, I need to have a talk with my baby sister. Privately."

Everyone gave us weird looks but shuffled out of the room, I looked from the shut door to him in confusion.

L: "So, how was your date?"

I laughed, "You almost die and the first thing you wanna know about is how my date went?"

He sat further up in his bed, "Hell, yeah, like I was gonna check out without knowing how your big date with Ryan went." he pretended to swoon at his name which made me roll my eyes.

"You know, as soon as you're better, I'm gonna kick your ass for that."

L: "Oh, I'm sure you are." 

"I am." we laughed, "The date went really well. He opened every door for me, complimented me, and we're gonna go on another one. That is, as long as you promise to not try and die again." 

He threw his hands up, "Promise." 

I smiled, then got serious again, "I really thought you were gonna die, Lee. I thought you were gonna die and I wasn't even there."

L: "Oh, come on, you can expect to put your life on hold just because something bad may or may not happen. Last night was a freak accident, it'll never happen again. I'm proud of you for actually getting off that damn ranch and living for once." 

"And I'm proud of you for holding on." 

He tightened his grip around my hand, "Have I ever told you that you're my favorite sibling?"

I laughed and wiped at the tears forming in my eyes, "Only a million times." 

L: "Good, you need to know it."


The next day, I came to the barn to see dad saddling up Kayce's horse. 

"What's all this?" I gently touched his muzzle. 

D: "Kayce gave him to me as an apology. Told him to keep him but, he insisted." 

"By insisted you mean he just dumped him and said 'here you go'."

D: "Yep, pretty much." 

"Alright, well, you want me to take him out?"

D: "No, I... I think I need this."

I nodded and went outside to meet with Rip.

R: "Mornin'."

"Good morning." 

R: "I didn't get a chance to say I'm sorry about Lee."

"Thanks. He should be back tomorrow, the doctors insisted on watching him for at least 24 hours to make sure the surgery went well." 

R: "Fair enough." 

Dad led the stallion out of the barn and to a round pen. He hardly got his body off the ground when the horse bucked him off. He held his side as he limped over to where the horse had settled on the other side of the pen.

R: "That is some gift."

D: "God damn that boy."

He remounted, this time making it into the saddle before his ride started to spin and kick around. While thrashing around, the horse crashed into the fence, Rip and I jumping back as he stumbled to the ground, dad still glued to the saddle. He continued to run around the pen for a moment before finding a place to stand,

D: "I think I got him settled now."

A harsh neigh and the continuance of bucking instantly proved him wrong. Rip jumped onto the fence. "Whoa, he's going over!"

I sighed a breath of relief as dad managed to fall clear of the horse's body, "He's got a lot more fight left in him."

R: "That's one rank son of a bitch right there. You ought to take him chest high into the river and see how much buck he's got then."

I nodded in agreeance. 

D: "No, no, this one, uh... this one may surprise you. Look at this, now he's my... now he's my best goddamned friend."

I looked into the horse's eyes, his voice entering my head, 

'That's what you think.'

"Hey, dad, maybe you've had enough for today."

D: "How else is he going to tame down?"

R: "You me to give him a go?"

Dad walked to the fence we were leaning against, "No, hell no. This is a job for a young man with rubber bones. One who is not my daughter." he shot me a look, knowing what I was about to ask.

R: "That horse will make a hand out of someone."

"Or an obituary."

R: "Funny, I recall telling you the same damn thing when you brought in that mustang you've got trained like a dog."

Before I could come up with a protest, we realized dad was staring at something. We looked into the next paddock over where Jimmy was scooping shit.

R: "That's a good idea. I'll be right back." he started towards him, "Hey, Jimmy, go ahead and put that down."

"I'll wrangle the guys, they aren't gonna want to miss this."

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