Bickering Over Breakfast

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I got up the next morning and beat everyone to breakfast.

"Morning Gator." 

"Good morning, miss Dutton." 

"Smells great." I poured myself a cup of coffee before sliding into my usual seat. 

Dad was the first one down, quickly followed by Jamie. We quietly filled our plates, all still trying to wake up properly. Lee practically danced into the room, he sat down just absolutely beaming. I leaned across the table to look him in the eyes, 

"Don't you fucking dare." 

He just smiled in response. 

Jamie sighed, not noticing Lee and I's exchange. "So, dad, I was looking over some of the financial stuff last night and, uh, when did you buy a herd of buffalo?" 

I nearly spit out my coffee, "I'm sorry, what?"

D: "I bought 'em to trade with the Res. That okay with you, son?" 

J: "I didn't- I just meant- you didn't tell me about it is all." 

D: "I thought you were asleep, didn't think it was important enough to wake you." 

Lee cleared his throat, "Speaking of surprises." 

I kicked him under the table and shot him a look, about all I could do without being obvious. Dad looked at him, confused. 

L: "Kymberly, don't you have something you wanna share with dear old dad?" 

I just stared at him in shock, he didn't just out me like that.

D: "Floor is yours, kiddo." 

"Oh, um, Alex, Dylan, and I were planning on going to the music festival tonight. Is that, uh, okay?" 

D: "Yeah, of course. You're a grown woman, you don't have to ask to go out." 

L: "Yeah, but is it just you three going or is it more of a... date night?" 

I spoke through my teeth, wishing I could set Lee on fire, "I mean, I'm sure their boyfriends will come. Now, there are more important things than my social life-" 

L: "Oh there's nothing I'd rather talk about more right now." 

"Is that because you don't have one of your own?"

Dad sighed, "Okay you two, what's going on?" 

"Nothing. Just a little brother-sister squabble, isn't that right Lee?" 

L: "If you say so, little sister." 

We ate the rest of our breakfast and went our separate ways. Lee and I headed to the barn, dad made a phone call, and Jamie went back to bed. He had just closed the door behind us when I started, 

"Oh I could kill you right now!" 

He threw his hands up, "Alright, I've had my fun, but you gotta tell me, who is it?" 


"Which one of the guys are you gonna ask out?" 

"None of them." 

"You can't lie to me," 

"Maybe not, but I'm not telling you who it is." 

"Come on, please." 

"Why do you care so much?" 

"You're my baby sister, I'd like to know who you're gonna be spending your night with." 

"Fuck off Lee." 

"Nope. Not until you tell me who it is. Is it Colby?" 

"I'm not telling you." 

"Fred? God, I hope not." 

"Ew, no." 

"Good. Uh... Jake? Ryan? Ethan? Come on, give me a hint!" 

"No, no, and no!" I picked up the pace hoping he would pipe down the closer to the barn we got.

"Oh, don't tell me it's Rip. You know Beth would literally kill you if it was Rip, right?" 

"La, la, la, la, la." 

"Ugh, fine! But I will figure it out!" 

I spoke in a sing-songy voice, "You aren't that smart, Lee." 

All the guys were finishing up with getting their horses ready. I tossed a 'good morning' over my shoulder as I walked into the barn. Birdie was already tacked up and waiting in his stall, "Morning, bud." 

Before he could reply, my phone rang.


Alex: "Okay, I just needed to know so I can buy the tickets, are you asking Ryan?"

"Yes, I'm gonna ask him as soon as I get the chance. I'm not gonna chicken out or anything, I just need to get him alone." 

"I didn't think you would, but you know, it's only taken you ten years."

"Thanks for reminding me." 

"Anytime, okay bye!" 


I looked up and there was Lee's stupid ass grin, "I'm gonna punch you in the mouth." 

"Come on, my baby sister is finally interested in someone and I'm supposed to, what, not be excited?" 

"This isn't excited, Lee, it's annoying."

"You're no fun." he started to walk out of the barn, 

"I'm still not telling you!" 

Dad pulled up, Colby, Fred, Lloyd, and Lee loaded up their horses plus dad's. They left to meet with the buffalo guy, taking the horses in case they got loose or something. I stayed back and helped prep for the exchange. With only Ryan, Jake, Ethan, and I it was gonna go a little slower than normal.

We tacked and warmed up horses, made sure we had everything we needed like water, extra ropes, and first-aids, and that all of our saddles, ropes, and other equipment were in good shape. I made sure none of the horses were feeling under the weather, and we set off to wait at the house. 

Jamie finally appeared out of the house in full cowboy gear, I always thought it was funny seeing him in chaps instead of a tie. It wasn't long before dad pulled up. Ryan and I were playing with dad's border collie and my brown lab when I noticed an old truck pull into the drive. 

R: "Who's that?" 

"It can't be..." my suspicions were proved correct when my youngest older brother and his son stepped out of the cab. He walked over and said something to dad. "Kayce!" I ran over and wrapped him in a tight hug. "I haven't seen you in forever!" 

"I know, and I'm hoping that changes today." 

"Me too." I hugged him again before turning to the little boy standing next to the truck.

K: "Tate, you remember you aunt, don't you?" 

T: "Not really." 

"It's okay, I remember you." I smiled at him as dad picked him up and put him on the back of his horse. 

Lee walked up, "Well, shit Kayce I've dated women with shorter hair than you." 

K: "Yeah you sure they were women, Lee?" 

They pushed around at each other before Jamie walked up and hugged him.

I walked back to where I was standing with Ryan, he handed me Bird's reins, "Can't believe Kayce's back." 

"Yeah, me either." 

We mounted and took off. It was nice having all three of them together again. Racing and generally fucking with each other, just like he never even left, like nothing changed at all. It was all so perfect. My own little paradise.

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