The Date

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Alex and Dylan had been blowing up my phone the entire drive there, which I mostly ignored because I was so entranced by my situation. 

"You okay?"

I finally peeled my eyes from the passenger side window, "Yeah, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You keep playing with your hands." 

I smiled at how well he knew me, "I'm just nervous, I guess."


"I dunno," I shrugged, "this is the first date I've been on in a year. And... it's with you." 

He smiled, "Can I be honest?"


"I'm nervous, too."


"Yeah. I'm completely shaking in my boots, seriously." 

I laughed, "Why?"

"The same reasons as you." 

I smiled even bigger and resisted the urge to kiss him, "Should we, uh, go?"

"Yeah, let's." 

He opened my door for me and we headed to the festival, Alex, Dylan, and their boyfriends waiting at the entrance for us. 

The girls were instantly shooting me looks, which I tried to ignore, though they were persistent. Everyone greeted each other and we walked in. 

Alex turned to her boyfriend, Steve Evans, "Hey, I'm really thirsty, you think you could get me a beer?"

Dylan instantly caught on and did the same to her boyfriend Regulus Smith. 

R: "Good idea, I'll go with. You want anything?"

"Um, whatever mixed drink you think I'd like." 

He nodded with a smile and left with the boys. 

"Very clever you tw-" I was cut off by their slew of comments; 'I can't believe you actually did it' 'you two look so good together' 'how did you do it' 'what'd he say' etc. etc.

"Slow down, slow down," I laughed but felt a little overwhelmed at the same time, "I just asked him and he said yes, that simple." 

Alex rolled her eyes, "I need more than that, come on!"

"Alright, alright. I went to the bunkhouse-"

D: "You didn't ask him in front of everyone."

"I did..." 

They laughed, 

"I had to! He was in a towel..."

Their jaws dropped and they laughed even harder,

"I brought him into the kitchen and asked him, he obviously said yes. He got ready and we headed over. He's already complimented me." I swooned a little, still so caught up in his eyes and his smile even though he wasn't there.

D: "I knew you could do it."

A: "I didn't." 

"Rude! But... neither did I." 

A: "They're coming back." 

I turned, Ryan walking up with a beer in one hand and some pink mixed drink in his other. I thanked him and we moved further into the festival.


We stayed there for hours, too caught up in the music and dancing to leave. My head was spinning by the time we got back in the truck.

We'd been driving in near silence- the radio was playing quietly- when he spoke, 

"You hungry?"

"Ugh, you just read my mind." 

He pulled into the next diner he saw, we both ordered burgers and water.

"Tonight was really fun."

He smiled, "I'm glad you thought so, too. I was thinking... we should do this more often. Like, a lot more often." 

My jaw fell open slightly before twisting into a large smile, "Yeah, I think so, too." I took a bite from my burger before speaking again, "You know, I was really afraid that you were going to say no when I asked you out tonight."

Pure surprise washed over his face, "Why?" 

"I dunno, we're best friends and I thought, maybe, I was the only one who wanted more than that." 

He laughed slightly, "I have been trying to ask you out on a date for probably five years now. I was always afraid that you would say no."

"You're kidding..." now it was my turn to look shocked.

"Nope. I always thought you were too good for me."

"Too good- Ryan, if anything, you're too good for me."

Now he laughed a little louder, "No way. You're, like, the best person I know."

"Well, that's pretty ironic 'cause I've always thought you were the best person I know." 

He smiled, and dare I say, blushed slightly. 


After finishing our meal and talking about our lives for a bit, we headed back to the ranch. He opened the truck door for me and walked me to the front door. 

I turned, pinning myself between him and the door, I wanted to say something but nothing came to mind; only an urge to kiss him. So I did.

Well, kind of, we both leaned in at the same time, the kiss coming from both of us. 

His hands rested on my waist and he rested his forehead against mine, "Goodnight, Kymberly."

"Goodnight, Ryan." 

I didn't want to move, not ever, but my hand pulled from him and to the door knob, opening the door behind me. He lifted his head and smiled softly, "I'll see you in the morning." 

I nodded, walked into the house, and snuck my way to my bedroom as to not wake anyone up.

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