No One Likes A Bully

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I walked into the kitchen the next morning, "Lee!"

"Hey!" he stood from his chair and I virtually jumped into his arms.

"When'd you get in?"

"Late last night. I made you coffee, let's go."

"You sure you're good to work?"

"Doctors cleared me, healthy as a horse, little sister."

"Well, good. Let's go." I took the mug from him and we started toward the barn. 

The sun was hardly beginning to rise over the horizon. We always started disgustingly early when moving cattle. Gator was finishing up breakfast while the horses were being warmed up. 

I took a deep breath, the mix of morning air, breakfast, and horses was heaven to my nose. "You ready for this, Lee?"

"Hell yeah."


 I looked up at the helicopter flying over, dad looking for any wanderers. Rip held into his walkie-talkie and turned, "Kym, Jimmy, we got stragglers in the trees. I want you to come with me."

"On it." 

J: "Uh..."

R: "I ain't asking your fucking permission, Jimmy, I'm telling you. Now let's go."

"Try to keep up, J." 

J: "I thought you said running the horses makes the cattle nervous."

R: "What do you think that chopper's doing? Now let's go, keep up."

We raced into the trees, the cattle running towards us thanks to our help from above. Jimmy, expectantly, panicked and fell from his horse.

"Shit. Rip get him, I got these guys."

He nodded and ran to Jimmy as I cut with the cattle, 

Dad, over the walkie: "Somebody get Jimmy's horse."

Lloyd, Jake, Colby, and Ryan galloped in through the trees to help,

R: "Lloyd, help shit-for-brains with his horse."

The others joined me in herding and leading the strays back to the main herd.

Ry: "He lasted about as long as I expected." 

"He'll get there." I glanced back at a limping Jimmy, "Hopefully..."

Lloyd met back up with us.

"Where's the kid?"

L: "Left him to find his hat. He'll be back."

I nodded and pulled Birdie closer to the herd.


Back at the barn, we loaded the cows into trailers and sent them off. Dad's horse bucked beneath him madly, I rode to the fence,

"All good here dad?"

He struggled to get a hold of his stallion, "Yep." 

"We can switch if you need-"

"Go back to the cows, Kymberly."

"Yes sir." I clenched my jaw as I rode back to sort through the herd. He could be so stubborn, one day it's going to bite him in the ass. Finally, I saw him take to the barn and I could completely focus on the cattle. 

After getting them all sorted Rip started calling out from his list to make sure we didn't miss anything,

"Alright, here we go. Walsh ranch, yellow ear tags. Bar-3 ranch, we got blue tags and brandin'. Then the Parker ranch, we got the red tags. Let's go."

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