Dutton Down

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No sooner than I woke up did an uneasy feeling settle over me. Something was very, very wrong.

I rolled over and looked at my phone, which had been shut off since we got to the festival. My heart dropped at the dozens of missed calls and texts from my brothers and dad, even a few from Beth. 

I didn't waste a second getting ready, I bolted out the door and every livestock agent and police officer Montana could spare were in the front yard. I ran to Jamie as he was finishing up his phone call,

"What happened? What's going on, Jamie?"

"Where the hell have you been?" 

"I went out last night, I told you."

"Yeah, well, next time you go out, how about you keep your phone on? We needed you last night."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"We can't find Lee." he started walking off, me right on his heels, 

"What does that mean, Jamie?"

He sighed, "We sent the Livestock Agents to deal with the Indians stealing the cattle. Everyone came back but Lee and..."


"And... there were shots fired somewhere on the Rez."

My heart dropped into my stomach, "You mean, he's..." 

He kept walking, "We don't know." 

I finally realized where he was headed as he stopped in front of dad on the porch, "Alright, state police are sending a chopper out to look for him."

Dad didn't even look down, instead, he looked down the yard. After a second he rushed down the stairs, Jamie and I finally turned to see Kayce riding up... Lee on the back of his horse.

We took off down the yard toward them, Kayce was yelling, desperation dripping off his voice,

"Get the chopper! Get the chopper!" 

Jamie turned on his heels and ran back to get our personal helicopter ready.

Dad and I finally got to them, 

K: "He's still... he's still alive. I didn't have a phone." he slid off the horse, Lee groaning slightly, "He's lost a lot of blood." 

D: "You get to Jamie, tell him everything while it's fresh." he mounted, "And you and I will be having a very serious conversation later." he kicked at the horse's sides and took off towards the house. 

I wrapped my arm under Kayce's as he seemed like he was going to fall over at any second, "Are you okay?"

"I-I think so..."

I couldn't take my eyes from where dad was disappearing as his galloped away from us, tears pooled in my eyes. 

The chopper was lifting off as we reached the house, Jamie running towards us, "What happened?"

"Take him inside, I'll get everyone out of here." 

He nodded and they went inside.

I walked to the crowd of officers waiting for answers, "We found him, all of you can head out. There will most likely be an investigation so stay by your phones. I'll have updates sent out to keep all of you informed. Until then, go home, and hug your families or something..." my voice trailed off at the end, the weight of the situation settling onto me.

Ryan made his way through the crowd, my guard nearly completely shattering. He put his hand on my arm, "Are you okay?"

I just shook my head, the tears falling as he embraced me. 

"My brother could die..."

His arms tightened around me before he pushed me just far enough to look into my arms, "Come on, let's get you out of here." he walked me to where his horse was tied. We mounted and he brought us to the bunk house. 

He tied his horse up and walked me inside, "Jimmy, take care of my horse, will you?"

My eyes were glued to the floor, most of the guys were there. They hadn't started their day yet on account of waiting for instructions considering Lee's situation took up everybody's time. 

We sat on the couch, his arm around me, "Do you need something to drink? Anything?"

I just shook my head, still confused and scared. Tears fell from my eyes, "Is he going to die..?"

"I don't know, darling." 

I fell into him, the possibility of losing my brother nearly suffocating me. 


I couldn't tell you how long we stayed like that. I can only say that it was longer than I was proud of. 

My phone rang, it was Jamie. I frantically answered it, 


J: "He's stable. We're going to see him later. Dad will be back soon so you should get over here." 

"Okay, thanks."

I hung up and turned to Ryan, "He's okay, we're seeing him later. I gotta go." 

"Okay, you want me to walk you back?"

"No, thank you, though. And, seriously," I took his hands in mine, "thank you."

He nodded and I left. I took the walk back as a moment to compose myself, I'd already cried in front of the guys, I refused to do it in front of my father. Not when he was this pissed at me.

I walked into the house, Jamie and Kayce sitting at the kitchen island, both with whiskey in their glasses. I walked by them, not wanting to look up. I passed Beth in the study, mirroring the boys. If anyone was going to beat my ass for my absence last night, it'd be her so i figured it best to just keep walking.

Not much later, I heard the helicopter landing out front so I emerged from my room.

Dad walked in the house, eyes red, though he'd never admit it. Beth came out of the office, a glass full of whiskey and looking slightly shaken. The boys hardly looked up from their glasses.

D: "Where the hell were you last night?"

"The music festival in town..."

D: "Was the music so good that you couldn't pick up your damn phone!?" 

I looked to the floor, "I'm sorry, dad... I wasn't thinking when I turned it off."

D: "No, you weren't. We needed you last night. You weren't there and now..." he shifted his weight and sighed, "I'm sorry."

I looked up at his face, his face was puffy and he was scared for his son, for all of his children. 

Every one of us were drowning, and there was no way for us to save each other... but like hell if we weren't going to try.

D: "It wouldn't have been any different if you were there, I just... I'd rather you'd been here, that's all." 

"I know."

J: "When are we going to see him?"

K: "I-I need to go home. I need to tell Monica and-and get new clothes."

D: "Kayce, take the chopper home. The four of us will meet you at the hospital in an hour."

He nodded and stood, dad walked to him and placed a hand on both boys, taking a second to look at each of us,

he looked to Jamie, "I need you more than ever."

J: "You have me."

then to Beth, "Can you stay for a while?"

B: "I'm not going anywhere. Just tell me who to fight."

He walked over to her and kissed her cheek, "Everyone." he now turned to me, 

"You don't need to ask anything of me, dad. I'll do anything to fix this."

He nodded before kissing my cheek and walking back to his room.

Revenge was in the air, and it was thick enough to choke on.

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