Seaweed Cookie

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~> Information <~

Name: Seaweed Cookie

Aliases/Nicknames: Kelp Cookie, Seagrass Cookie, The Princess of the Ocean

Pronouns: She/Her

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Age: Teenager

~> Appearance <~

Dough Colour: Tan (similar to GingerBrave)

Hair (colour & other info): Dark green, in seaweed strips and tied up messily

Eyes (colour & other info): Two yellow and one green, mostly round with thin pupils.

Clothes/Accessories: In her cookie form, Seaweed Cookie wears a simple cream-coloured long-sleeve shirt that can be laced up at the top with brown laces. She also wears a seaweed-like belt with a large golden buckle, which holds up a pair of brown oversized pants. In her hair she has a simple brown band that loosely keeps up her messy hair. In her siren form, Seaweed Cookie wears a simple seaweed bra with lots of different shades of green on it. She also wears a pearl bracelet around her right wrist.

Other: When in her siren form, Seaweed Cookie gains a dark green mermaid tail. She also lets her hair out and sweeps it to both sides of her face, revealing her third eye. In both forms she has fangs and mostly keeps her mouth shut because of them. In her cookie form she carries around a silver spoon and uses it as her weapon.

~> Game Information <~

Rarity: Epic

Class: Ambush

Position: Middle

Skill: TBC

Description: Many years ago there was once an underwater kingdom home to the sirens. Seaweed Cookie was the daughter of the siren king, capable of luring cookies to their doom with her voice. One stormy night a group of elite hunter cookies dived down to the underwater kingdom, reducing it and its citizens to crumbs. Seaweed Cookie was one of the few sirens able to escape. Leaving her home behind, she was able to take on a doughier form to hide from the hunters. With her new disguise came a price: her ability to speak or sing. Instead of praying on those brave enough to cross the seas, Seaweed Cookie now hides away on a deserted island, taking up the appearance of a lost sailor. Will someone be brave enough to help this cookie?

~> Quotes <~

Gacha Pre-Pull: "Grrrrrrr."

Gacha: "Hissss!"

Wish: "Gr?"

Loading Screen: "Hisssssss." | "Grrrrawr." | "Grrrrrrrrrrr..?" | "Grrrr grrr." | "Rawr!"

Skill: "Let the hunt begin!"

Victory: "Grrr!" | "Rawr rawr!" | "Rrrrr?

Defeat: "Grrrr." | "Rawrrrrrr." | "Grrrrrawr ra!"

~> Canon Character Relationships <~

Sorbet Shark Cookie: Raaaa! (Tension)

Sea Fairy Cookie: Rawr? (Friendly)

Mango Cookie: Grrr... (Friendly)

Squid Ink Cookie: Hissssss! (Tension)

~> OC Relationships <~

Papaya Cookie: Rawr rawr! (Trust)

Gummy Octopus Cookie: Hissssssss! (Rival)

Cherimoya Dragon Cookie: Roooooor. (Friendly)

Pomegranate Dragon Cookie: Grrrrr rawr? (Friendly)

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