Chapter One

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"Gia come on, we're going to be late!" shrieked one of my best friends, Amanda, as she pulled on my arm

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"Gia come on, we're going to be late!" shrieked one of my best friends, Amanda, as she pulled on my arm.

"Coming!" I giggled as I slid out of the limousine that we had rented for the night, a little bit tipsy from the two tequila shots that I had downed before coming to the club. Clearly, I could handle my alcohol. Note the sarcasm, by the way.

I stumbled on my six inch stilettos as I followed Amanda and Brittany - my two best friends - who were now flirting it up with two guys near the entrance of the club. A sharp pang of an indecipherable feeling shot through me, at being left out yet again. I usually brushed their behavior off but tonight - the night of my 21st birthday celebration - something felt wrong. My heart plummeted as I watched the familiar bob of red hair approach the group before he turned his head to look back at me. Alex. Also known as the rich prick who loved to harass me on a daily basis. With a huff and much more sober now after seeing the jackass, I flipped my long blonde hair over my shoulder as I walked towards them.

"Princess, long time no see." Alex drawled lazily as his lips pulled up into a smirk. A smirk that I wanted to slap off.

"I don't remember inviting you here." I retorted as he chuckled.

"That's because we did." Amanda butt in as Brittany nodded her assent.

"What?" I questioned dumbly as I tried to process what they had done.

My two supposed best friends had invited a guy - who by the way creeped me out and made me uncomfortable - without my consent, when really, it was supposed to just be the three of us. A girls night out. Living our best life. Apparently, I was wrong on that whole front.

"Oh come on Gia!" Brittany laughed that high pitched laugh of hers that made me want to search for where her tone it down a little button was. "It's not that big of a deal. Loosen up!"

All 5 of them laughed as they made their way past the bouncer with me trailing behind them. What was supposed to be my night was turning out to be my worst nightmare. I shuddered before shooting the burly bouncer a grateful smile as he lifted the velvet rope for me.

Loud music blared from the speakers as the strobe lights flashed around the club. La notte del diavolo was currently one of the trendiest nightclubs in the heart of London with it being covered and heavily critiqued in the media. So naturally, being the party girl that I was, I decided to try it out for my 21st. Heaving a sigh, I followed my friends to the bar where I ordered a Tequila Sunrise. I sure as hell was going to need something strong to survive the night.


Sipping on what was my fourth drink of the night, I tried to pay attention to what the bartender was saying to me as I nodded absentmindedly.

"And right over here, was the time when she lost her tooth. Quite the picture innit hun?" The man questioned as he stood behind the counter, showing me pictures of his beaming three year old daughter.

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