Chapter Six

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I woke up with a groan as my head lolled to the side

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I woke up with a groan as my head lolled to the side. It felt like somebody had just hammered my head. The result of drinking one too many drinks. A soft whimper escaped my lips as I sat upright, the urge to puke my guts out almost overtaking me.

I bolted out of bed and reached the toilet just in time before I threw up. I retched and gagged as the pungent odor filled the bathroom. Flushing the toilet, I let out a sigh as I leaned my head back against the tiled wall. Living alone sure had its perks. But it had its drawbacks as well - such as that you had to take care of yourself and couldn't call your mum for every single little thing. What wouldn't I give to be coddled by my mother right now.

Once I knew that I wouldn't be throwing up yesterday's drinks again, I got up cautiously as I brushed my teeth and splashed some water on my face. Feeling a little bit better, I walked into the kitchen, ready to make myself some scrambled eggs. Just as I was about to crack the eggs, I saw my phone vibrate with a call from an unknown number. I picked it up hesitantly and put it to my ear. Who the fuck could be calling me at 10am on a Saturday?


I heard a gruff voice on the other line, as if they were speaking from a distance before the mysterious caller suddenly hung up. Huh. Weird. What was that about? Writing it off to be some prank caller, I continued with breakfast as a reminder to submit my case study lit up my cracked phone screen. Ah, yes. How could I ever forget that. You see, people often thought that being a law student and doing an internship was time consuming, hectic and not to mention, expensive. They were right, of course. But they often overlooked the fact regarding the power that came with finally getting that law degree. The respect and status that I'd get someday. I wanted it. I wanted it all. Call me power hungry, but at least I had ambition. After seeing my mother slog her life away just to be able to afford my tuition, I owed it to her. To make her proud. To let her know that she was a driving force behind me - that we never needed a lousy man to provide for us.

Even though I didn't remember a single thing about my father, I was still bitter about him. About him leaving us when I was a toddler. I had to spend my years in the public school close by our home listening to my peers taunt me about my mother raising me single handedly. Why my father was never present at any of my school recitals or parent teacher meetings. It stung really bad at that time. But I realised one thing. Only we hold the power to turn our pain into power, our failures into our success. And that's exactly what I was striving to do.

With another sigh, I finished my breakfast and headed towards the shower to get dressed. I could already feel a migraine coming at the mere thought of discussing the case that I had picked to discuss with my peers and professors - the Kiranjit Ahluwalia case. No matter how tired I was, I was prepared to fight them, to put my point across the table and prove to them what a damn good lawyer I'd make someday. With that thought in my mind and a smile on my face, I started my walk away from my apartment and towards the tube station.

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