Chapter 20

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Hugs felt so warm especially from Wade. His arms always perfectly fit around me. I always felt so loved when I was with him, it was comforting when he wasn't being a cocky bastard at least.

"Webs," Wade whispered as he hugged around my waist. "when are we going to patrol? This whole no killing thing is more torture then when I went out to visit the queen of England."

"You visited the queen? When?" I whipped my head to him, stifling a laugh. "Well more or less," he exaggerated. "does it count if I broke in?" Great leave it to Wade to admit a crime in front of a superhero.

After a bit of silence he breathed out.

"It was torture, she didn't let me leave until I learned proper etiquette... weeks went by." Wade confessed as he shivered visibly. No wonder he had been holding his cups weirdly the past few weeks.

Small bits of laughter escaped from me as I tried to drown them out with a few coughs until eventually;

Leaning into Wade as I didn't bother stifling my laughter anymore. The imagery that I was imagining was just, great. Truly.

"Let's," clearing my throat as I peered up at him surprisingly he looked like he was engrossed in watching me. "Lets get going for patrol?" I suggested awaiting a response that never came in the form of words only a much warmer hug.

"Webs, laugh again." My face began heating up slightly. "You have a cute laugh." it was embarrassing to be embraced like this and told that.

Even more embarrassing when it makes my heart do flips. The little things he says to me fill me with such joy it's worrying. Enough to make my heart ache, even so I still wrapped my arms around him completing the hug.

A little embarrassment was worth this warmth.




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