Chapter 24

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       My eyes felt swollen by this point, the sting of my nose still lingering. I had lost Wade's greatest, best(est?), birthday gift to me. He warned me it was his most prized possession, so I brought it with me every time on patrol. Like a portable fan except it was a portable good luck charm, you know?

       I searched everywhere I had been and still no luck finding the damned thing. 'How was I going to tell him? Did I have to? God yes of course, Peter!' Sighing as I put my arms up to my head.

       I felt defeated, and delivering the final K.O was the fact Wade was running over to me frantically waving. "Webs!" I debated on running, really, but he'd eventually find out anyway.

       Wiping my tears in a slight attempt to hide my face. Geez tiny lego Spider-Man, why'd you have to go and get lost!

       Wade came to a halt as he stood in front of me. It seemed like he was about to speak but decided against it instead pulling me into a hug.

       "Let go you bastard!" I shouted as he tightened the hug. I began punching at his back attempting to keep up the 'You're annoying leave me alone.' act, but it was good to be in his arms. Even if it made a surge of guilt rush through me.

       Accepting defeat I sighed. "I lost your present.." In all honesty I mumbled it to add onto the fact it was stifled in his embrace. Hearing the gasp from him made me know he managed to hear. Man.

       "Is that why you were crying?" I could hear him quietly laugh which in turn confused me. "Yeah... it was your most prized possession?" I wanted to apologize, but my mind kept stopping me fearing we'd make it worse.

       "It's only my most prized possession because it's you, Webs." My eyes widened for a moment not sure wether to feel relief or even more regret. "Plus I have a collection of them." He mumbled quickly before coughing.

       "I'll help you find it." The warmth his voice gave matched the look that followed with it. "Sorry," I finally mustered out whist nodding. "Let's go find it."


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