Chapter 23

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Planting a kiss on Wade's cheek as my face began feeling like the Saharan desert. "D-don't say anything." I attempted to say confidently, and well, I doubt confident people stutter.

Pulling my mask on before adding on a "please." I wasn't so good at the whole relationship thing. I'd get the occasional question if I could talk to spiders but frankly I couldn't even talk to girls.

"Petey?" Wade's voice was leaking with excitement and confusion. I felt like I was about to die of embarrassment, it felt like my whole body was against me. What's up with that?!

Regaining my confidence I coughed before answering. "That's me." My back to him as my face still felt on fire. The type of fire that goes from your cheeks to your ears, to your, well you get it.

Slowly I felt his hands wrap around me pulling me to his chest. "Webs," The quietness of his voice sounded almost, needy? A slight shiver ran up my spine feeling his hand grip my face as he pulled my mask up.

"Look at me, you always hide your face." The tone of his voice seemed slightly annoyed contradicting the warmth of it.

If he truly wanted he could pull my face to him, seeing as he still held a light grip on my chin. My stomach began to turn in embarrassment knowing he wanted me to do it on my own accord.

Slowly I turned my face to his seeing his mask lifted slightly leaving his mouth in view. Jeez my heart feels like it's about to run away from me! Even my breath seemed hesitant to come out, c'mon!

Wade moved toward me before connecting our lips, biting my lip slightly as if asking permission to gain entry. Opening my mouth slowly as I felt his tongue slide in exploring my mouth throughly.

Going along with his movements I leaned more into the kiss as my satisfaction slowly became harder to satisfy. Letting out a soft moan as I felt Wade's hand travel up my back as the other began pulling the entirety of my mask off.

Feeling his hand travel through my hair gripping every few moments sent chills of pleasure to surge through my body.

For a moment he broke the kiss allowing us a moment to breathe. "Webs, let's go further." The tightness of my suits lower half became increasingly uncomfortable as I nodded, Embarrassment be damned.

The coldness of the air danced on my skin as my suit was halfway off.

"mmf" I moaned as Wade touched my chest making sure to pay extra attention to my nipples. "You make such cute noises for me."

The lust in his voice couldn't be hidden even if it was apart of WPP! Pulling the entirety of my suit off he gripped one of my legs bringing it up to his shoulder.

This exposed feeling caused me to put my forearm in front of my face. It was like one of those dreams where you go to work with only briefs! "Petey, I told you don't hide your face." His voice seemed disappointed which made my heart sting.

That tone should be illegal! Pulling at my heart strings like that, it was simply unfair. "Disqualification." I mumbled for only my ears as I removed my forearm causing him to brighten.

Okay, maybe it was worth it; for that smile. "Good boy." The praise made my heart tighten, which then caused me to get caught off guard when I felt him grab my cock.

I groaned as he began moving his hand causing me to arch my back. "Wade.." I breathed out in a slight whining tone. I don't know what that did to him but he began moving quicker.

"com..coming." I attempted to warn as he gripped the tip of my dick stopping my climax. "Mmm.. let.." It was evident how needy I felt as I begged allowing my hips to move slightly trying to gain friction.

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