Chapter 28

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       A loud slam covered my ears as my back slammed into a brick wall no doubt breaking a few ribs. "Gah!" I shouted cutting myself off mid-way coughing up blood.

       "Were you trying to make me lose my breathe or kill me, cuz i'm getting mixed messages!" Kingpins only response was charging at me, what a way with words.

       "Isn't it considered bad sportsmanship to kick a man when he's down!?" Rolling to the side caused a ripping pain to surge through me, definitely worth dodging his grand slam, though.

       I was in no shape to finish this fight, not only had I broken my ribs but beforehand I swear i'd broken my arm n leg. The fact I dodged obviously gave this man a power up because now he was throwing a desk at me!

       Dodging one is one thing (literally) but my spider senses weren't quick enough to detect the second. It was a direct hit, much as I wanted to congratulate him on his good aim I couldn't. Did I still try?

       Yes. Though it only came out in grunts of pain and attempting to grasp onto the desk, even as I felt my back slam into the glass and the shattering sounds being drowned out by the wind.

       Once I realized I was falling 50 stories it was a bit of a shocker, I gotta admit. No doubt a worse shocker would be me slamming into the ground and dying! I'd like to avoid that.

       I spit a web seeing it fly out in front of me not connecting to anything as my heart began to climb to my throat. "C'mon..." It was way less than a mumble, I mean if I didn't know what I said it'd just be a slur of an attempted word.

       The desk had long descended before me no doubt having smashed the ground already. And I was soon to be with it... man if I knew I was going to die today i'd have texted aunt may I wouldn't be able to pick up the eggs.

       Seeing the buildings peak vanish gave me the warning I was about to meet the ground, not a very wholehearted welcome I assume. Shutting my eyes tightly preparing for an impact I most likely wouldn't be able to live through gave me an almost sickening feeling. Like car sickness but worse, way, way worse.

       Surprisingly the painful introduction never came, what did come though was the feeling of being bounced up. 'The web worked... it worked.. i'm alive.' Was all I could think as the adrenaline was beginning to dry out and the pain was starting to set in.

       I hung for a while as the coldness of the moon illuminated the streets shining off the glass of the ice cream shop I nearly smashed into, about a foot away from the side walk.

       A deep sigh left me as I turned my head to face above me. "Woah, what happened to you? You look worse than me, and I just had my lungs penetrated by my spine!" The voice sounded familiar, though I was in too much pain to turn my head even if felt like it was spinning in circles.

      My mind went foggy as I closed my eyes giving out as the harsh pain of staying awake became too overwhelming. "Webs?" It was the last thing I heard before passing out, even so it eased my body as the only thought that sprung from the rest was; 'Wade?'

       When I came to I was sitting on a toilet my head hung giving me a view of the cast on my leg as well as Wade in the middle of my legs bandaging my arm.

       "I'm surprised you're not making a joke about finally getting between my legs." My voice was hoarse not above a whisper. It no doubt hurt to speak as I felt my ribs practically rub against my lungs.

       "I thought about it! But, you know, the whole you nearly dying thing." I had enhanced healing, but with my body as beaten as this i'd be out of commission for at least a week or two. I mean who'd want to be saved my Spider-man in crutches? Imagine if I fell face-plant mid robbery.

       "I didn't take you to the doctors since the whole secret identity thing, but have no fear doctor Deadpool is here!" Yeah where'd you get your medical license, the drugstore? If I couldn't say these things aloud i'd settle for in my head.

       "All bandaged up, now for the next few weeks you're stuck with me!" For a guy who was worried about me nearly dying earlier he sure seemed gleeful.

       Wade wrapped his arm under mine helping me up as I limped to the best of my ability grunting all the way. Eventually we came to a halt as I felt him pick me up bridal style causing me to widen my eyes.

      "You're too slow, by the time we make it you'd practically be healed." Breaking news, people with casts on their legs can't walk fast! A shocker for the globe, how ever will we solve this universal problem?!

The movement of being carried hurt a lot less, surprisingly. And eventually we entered the room as Wade had not so silently kicked the door open.

       Laying me down onto the bed he quickly moved the covers to cover me. "Stay her- Well... you can't really move much either way, can you?" What gave it away, the broken leg or several broken ribs?

       I laid back slowly, I never really took much time off as Spider-Man. I don't know what to do with the free time, not much I'm guessing. Is it even "time off" if i'm still wearing my mask? Though, it is ripped partially revealing half of my face up to my eye.

       My thoughts left me as Wade returned with soup, the type of soup you eat when sick. I wasn't sick. I attempted to stifle a laugh as my ribs stung. It wasn't just the soup, it was the fact this dude had a nurse outfit on.

This is gonna be a long healing process.


Just cuz I want to here's what I imagine to happen if Spider-man fell face-plant mid robbery:

"Spider-! man...?" The lady yelled in relief that seemed to dissipate towards the end. "I'm just guessing here, but I don't think that's yours!" I mocked, that green Kelly Bag did not suit him!

The look of fear he once wore turned into... disappointment traced with confusion. That confusion was staring lasers at my cast. It seemed like he was working stuff out in his mind.

Then he ran.

Forgetting about my cast for a moment I attempted to run after, "Hey-!"


I groaned feeling my head slam into the cement. Peeking up through the pain I saw him stop for a moment giving me time to web the purse from him yanking it back.

'God this is the most embarrassing moment of my entire life.' Even the thief seemed sorry as he ran away! "Here you go ma'am.." I muttered one hand on my stinging nose the other holding her purse up.

"I won't tell anyone..." I simply gave a thumbs up once my hand was free of the purse. "That'd... that'd be great, yeah."

i enjoyed writing this

also i got reminded of the spider-man game cuz i played it today

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