5 | The weird feelings

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"What do you mean by Jungkook is Taehyung's soulmate?"The black-haired boy was shocked by the sudden truth that came from his lover.

"Yes hyung, I heard everything he had told to Eunwoo. I think that's why he has been close to Eunwoo for the past few days"Jimin put his hand on his chin and told the other boy.

"But minnie, don't you think you should tell Taehyung about this?"

"Hyung, I told you how Tae reacted when I asked about that matter and how Jungkook heard all of that. I don't know how Taehyung will react to it and I don't want Jungkook to have another panic attack if Taehyung rejects him"

Yoongi agreed with what Jimin said. But he couldn't believe that Jungkook hadn't told him and Hoseok about this after they are more close than Eunwoo.

"Hyung, please don't ask Jungkook anything about this. He must get scared if he knows that I know about this secret"

"I won't tell him. But I am just sad that he didn't tell me or hobi about this"Yoongi sighed at these words.

"It's ok hyung, he must have thought that you might discuss it with me or something"

Yoongi hummed and thought about something to solve this matter about Jungkook. Suddenly he widened at a thought.

"Hyung, what happened. You are so quiet"

Yoongi looked at Jimin and showed a sweet smile to him.

"Minnie, I have an idea"

"What Idea?"

"We should make efforts for Taehyung to like Jungkook"


The next day Jungkook came to university sleep-deprived. He couldn't sleep after what had happened in the library. His thoughts were full of Taehyung and Taehyung only.He, again and again, thought how Taehyung came close to him, how a small part of Jungkook wished for Taehyung to kiss him that time.

He blushed at his thoughts and put his head on the desk.

Oh god, what the hell is happening to me.

"Kookie, which club are you in"Jungkook's thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Oh yugy, I am in the music club. Which club are you in?"

"I am in the dance one.Today is the day we are starting the activities of the club, right?"

"Yeah, I am really excited about it"Jungkook smiled and answered Yugyeom.

"Me too. Oh, I will catch you up later. I have some assignments to finish"

Jungkook smiled and nodded at the other boy.

What the hell...why god is always against me. Jungkook groaned at looked at the other boy.

Taehyung was standing there beside Jimin and the problem with Jungkook was they were in the same club. Yes, now the chance of interaction with Taehyung was higher.

It's not that Jungkook didn't want to talk with Taehyung. But he was afraid that he might fall deeper for the other boy. He wanted to move on. That's why he had been constantly blocking Taehyung's attempt to mind-link with him.

Taehyung always tried to talk with him through the bond connection. But Jungkook would always block him before Taehyung even had a chance to a word.

"So children, as you know every year clubs organise into groups consisting of three members. It is for the benefit of the students so that that they won't get burdened with the activities of the club"

"I have already prepared a chart for it,so I am calling out the names"

"No way..no fucking way,I would be in the same group as Taehyung!" Jungkook groaned and pulled his hair in frustration.

"Kook, calm down. It's not only you both, there is one of your classmates too, right?"Yugyeom sighed and replied.

"I know hyung. I will try my most to talk with Bambam only, no fucking way I won't talk with Taehyung"

"You are saying this now, but I think the next moment you both might kiss in a library"

"Stop hyung,i-it was just we were standing close. Other than that nothing happened" Jungkook pouted and answered his hyung.

"But, you indeed wished for anything other to happen, right?"Eunwoo leaned towards the other boy and whispered in his ear.

Jungkook's cheeks got a crimson colour. He just hit Eunwoo's chest in embarrassment.

"They are pretty close I guess"Taehyung whispered to himself and gripped his hands on the strap of his bag.

He had been standing afar and watching those two boys' interactions. He didn't know why, but he had that urge to watch them. He felt something when Eunwoo leaned towards Jungkook and whispered something in his ear and he felt his heart twisted when Jungkook blushed at the action.

Was it hurt? was it jealousy? No, he didn't know what he felt. He just know he felt something weird.

"Huh? why should I bother? They might be friends or lovers. It's none of my business"Taehyung rolled his eyes walked from there.

"Seems like the soulmate bond has started to work" Jimin watched at Taehyung's disappearing figure and smirked at what just happened now.

"Now, it only needs some efforts to put them together"The boy chuckled and went to join his best friend.

I am really sorry for the short chapter :(

I was busy with some of my irl things, that's why I updated it late :')

I hope you liked this chapter...I will try to update it regularly💙

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