13 | A movie date

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"Now I am regretting my life decisions," Bambam said to himself while watching the other two boys being all lovey-dovey.

It had been some days since the two boys have been 'boyfriends' and they just can't be away from each other. And poor Bambam was feeling like a third wheel between the couple.

"Kookie, I think we should go on a movie date"

"Ok Kim"

Taehyung huffed and pouted at his boyfriend, "Call me Taehyung or just Tae"

Jungkook let out a teasing smile and went closer to Taehyung and whispered, "Or should I just call you hyung?"

Taehyung grinned at Jungkook, "Maybe you call me that while we are-"


The two boyfriends froze at the voice and looked in the direction. They saw an angry Bambam with a face all red.

"For your information, I'm still here motherfuckers.If you want to do something anything other than this project, go leave it. I will just do it alone and you won't be getting any grades"

The two boys looked down with embarrassment, while Bambam was just continuing scolding them. Taehyung slightly smiled and troked Jungkook's thighs, earning a glare from his boyfriend.

Bambam sighed and went between the two boys with the chair he was sitting on, he put the chair in between them.

"Now you two won't talk or do anything else other than the project, got it? Otherwise, say goodbye to the grades"

Taehyung pouted at the words and Jungkook giggled while he saw his sulking boyfriend. Jungkook put one of his hands on the back of the chair and tapped Taehyung.

Taehyung saw that his boyfriend had held out his hand. He took Jungkook's hand and they both held it all while Bambam explained what they had to do.


"Woah your house is so clean kookie"

Jungkook smiled and went to the kitchen to grab some snacks. They had agreed to do a movie date, and Jungkook had suggested the date at his home. His parents were aborad and they have the whole house to themselves. Only them, enjoying their time.

Jungkook took the popcorn packet and put it in the bowl, he then put the bowl in the oven and waited for it to be ready. He was seeing the popcorn getting ready, but suddenly flinched when he felt a hand on his waist.

The raven head smiled and leaned into the touch of his boyfriend. Taehyung kissed Jungkook's nape, which sent shivers into the other boy's body.

Taehyung slightly removed the cloth which had covered the raven head's collarbone and started sucking love bites, which was turning the other boy into a moaning mess. Jungkook held the blue-haired boy's hands which were already on his waist. Their sweet session was interrupted when they heard the microwave ding.

Taehyung smiled and stopped before kissing one more time.

"Kook, I will wait for you on the couch, ok?"The blue-haired boy said and went to the living room.

Jungkook smiled and took out the bowl from the oven. He walked to the living room and saw Taehyung sitting in the room with the tv remote in his hands.

"Kook, what genre do you prefer?"

"Hmm,put something romantic, I like romantic movies"

"Ohhh my bun loves romantic movies. Is he a hopeless romantic too"Taehyung said and wiggled his eyebrows. Jungkook chuckled and sat down beside Taehyung. He took the bowl and started eating the popcorns while being engrossed in the movies.

Whereas Taehyung couldn't stop glancing at the boy. He really hated the small space that was between them. He pouted and went closer to the raven head.Jungkook smiled while seeing the movie.

"Tae,if you want some popcorns, eat it. Don't blame me later if I finished it"

Taehyung shook his head while watching the other boy, "I don't you can eat it"

Jungkook hummed and was really concentrated on the movie. Whereas Taehyung was having a hard time. He was constantly glancing at the other boy with dark eyes, which went unnoticed by the raven head.

He gulped and put his hand on his boyfriend's tiny waist.Jungkook was really into the movie, even when Taehyung had stroking the gentle skin on his waist. But he suddenly froze, when he saw felt a pair of lips on his nape. His breath hitched when felt the blue-haired boy had started kissing on the top of the hickies made earlier.


"Shh you can keep watching"

Jungkook whined at his boyfriend's words, "How can I when you are doing this"

Taehyung chuckled and continued doing what he was on. Jungkook put his hands on his boyfriend's hair and tilted it to the side for more access.

"Y-You h-have a thing for m-my neck,r-right?"Jungkook managed to ask while he was so into it.

Taehyung hummed on the boyfriend's collarbones. He rubbed his nose there which made Jungkook giggle slightly. The raven head removed his body from his boyfriend, which made the other boy frown, but Taehyung's eyes lightened up when he watched Jungkook straddling his lap.

Jungkook without a warning, instantly smashed his lips on his boyfriend. Taehyung held the younger's waist while kissing him. The two boys were so into the makeout session that they didn't notice their dim room had lit up with lights.


Jungkook widened his eyes and instantly stood up from Taehyung's lap. The two boys were surprised when they saw two other people standing there.

It was Jungkook's parents.

Oops, so Jungkook's parents got to know but in an unexpected situation...what do you think they will react to this??

And lmao I didn't know what should be chapter's title🥲🥲 So I just put a random one😭

An sorry for the short chapter 🥲

And this story is going to end soon...I will surely miss this one, because even though it is shitty this was one of my first stories🥲

See you in the next chapter!

See you in the next chapter!

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