10 | You will do anything for me?

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"You two better tell me what the hell happened to kook, otherwise I will kill you now itself"The purple-haired man warned the two other boys. Yoongi and Eunwoo gulped at the scary male, the elder of the two decided to say the matter.

"Jin hyung he got a panic attack"

"I know that idiot,tell me what triggered him to get it. I know you both know everything"

"Hyung, he got an argument with his soulmate. I don't know what did Taehyung told him. When I found kook, he was already lying unconscious"Eunwoo looked down and answered Jin.

"Hmm, I see but he is not 21 yet, then how does he gets a mate?"

"His soulmate has attained the age, that's why"

The purple-haired boy hummed for the answer. Suddenly their conversation was interrupted, "Who are the relatives of Jeon Jungkook?"

The three of them instantly went towards the doctor."Doctor, I am his cousin, how is he now?"Seokjin asked with nervousness in his voice.

"He is okay now, seems like Jungkook got a panic attack, but an extreme one. I suggest you prevent him from the triggers. He is ok now, he will be waking up soon. Don't worry"With that the doctor went inside.

Seokjin sighed and sat down in one of the chairs. The two other boys went beside him.

"He will be okay hyung, don't worry"Eunwoo sadly smiled and placed a hand on the other man's shoulder.

"I see him as my own little brother, I have been taking care of him since he was a baby. That's why my uncle and aunt made me his guardian when they went abroad.I always tried my best to not disappoint my baby. Looks like I failed today"Jin looked down and said sadly.

Yoongi sighed and sat beside Jin"It's not your fault hyung, it just happened. Please don't blame yourself"

Jin sighed and looked up,"Taehyung was that boy's name, right?"


Taehyung went the next day reminding himself to apologise and talk to Jungkook. He knew a big part of him had made the mistake, but he still was curious why the other boy hide it from him. He walked towards the cafeteria to meet Jimin and say everything to him.

But Jimin was not the only one there, there were the other three boys too. Yoongi, Hoseok and Eunwoo.He gulped and went towards the table.


The boys turned their heads toward Taehyung's direction. Jimin was looking at him nervously,Yoongi looked he would kill Taehyung now itself, Hoseok looked like he was about to shoot bullets at him and Eunwoo frowned like his all good mood was ruined for the day.

"T-Taehyung,how are you "Jimin tried to lit up the atmosphere, but was interrupted by Yoongi

"Oh yeah, he is fine. Yesterday he just fought and shouted at Jungkook, without even listening to the poor, right Taehyung?"Yoongi said to Taehyung in a sarcastic tone.

"G-Guys I-I can explain p-plea-"

"Shut it Taehyung, tell us what the hell did you tell him that lead him to the hospital"

Taehyung widened his eyes. Hospital? What? What happened to him?

"Hospital? What are you guys talking about?"

Jimin sighed and explained, "Yesterday he got a panic attack,I think it was after your fight. Eunwoo found him lying unconscious"

Taehyung bit his lips in nervousness. Oh god, what has he done? He didn't know the other boy was fragile like that. Now he just wanted to kneel down to him and ask him for forgiveness.

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