12 | What are we, even?

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Jungkook turned back and so Eunwoo stood beside the locker. He went towards the elder with a great smile.

"Hyung! How are you?"

Eunwoo smiled," I am doing good bub, what about you"

"Me too" Jungkook giggled and answered.

Eunwoo chuckled and ruffled the younger's hair, "How is everything with Taehyung going on? Are you two doing good?"

Jungkook blushed and shyly smiled at the other boy's question," W-We are doing f-fine"

"Ohhh looks like something happened" The elder wiggled his eyebrows and teased Jungkook.

Jungkook slapped Eunwoo's chest," S-Shut up, nothing h-happened"

"Aww kookie, by your actions and shyness, I think what Yoongi hyung told the other day came true, isn't it"

The ravenette whined and blushed at the elder's words," We just kissed! Nothing more than happen-" Jungkook widened his eyes and suddenly closed his mouth at the realisation.

Eunwoo laughed loudly by clutching his stomach. Jungkook whined and hit the elder gently on his shoulders due to his embarrassment.

Taehyung halted when he heard some laughter and familiar voices talking. He went in the direction and saw Eunwoo laughing and Jungkook talking and whining about something. He frowned when he saw the boys together.

"Why are they two always together" He mumbled to himself with a pout adorning his face.

"Jungkookie, can we hang out today?"Taehyung heard Eunwoo asking the younger. He watched the interaction.

"Of course hyung.I missed our little hangouts. I will wait for you after the school"

Eunwoo smiled and hugged the younger, making Taehyung frown more."Ok kook, I will come to you" He said and waved goodbye to Jungkook. Jungkook smiled and was about to walk, but a grip on his hand stopped him. He looked back and saw Taehyung standing with a blank face.

Jungkook smiled and was about to talk, but was suddenly interrupted by Taehyung's lips on his.He widened his eyes at the sudden action,but eventually closed his eyes and kissed back the elder.

Taehyung pulled out from the kiss and looked at Jungkook breathing heavily.He grabbed the younger and led him to Janitor's room which was nearby.

"Tae, why are we here?"Jungkook asked him with widened eyes.

"Someone will see us there, that's why," He said and kissed Jungkook. The younger smiled and kissed back Taehyung by holding his aqua blue locks.

Taehyung held the younger's cheek and slightly tilted his head, his tongue moving along with Jungkook's, savouring the younger's every corner of his mouth.

He removed his lips from the raventte's and continued his actions on the younger's neck, kissing it gently.

Jungkook breathed heavily and slightly whispered," H-Hyung"

Taehyung's eyes widened at the sudden words. Jungkook had never called him by hyung, he would always call him by his name only.It made Taehyung smile and it felt good to him.

"Call me hyung more, please"

Jungkook smiled and again whispered,"Hyungie"

Taehyung chuckled and rubbed his nose on the younger's collarbone, which made the other giggle slightly. All feelings of jealousy were gone with Taehyung, he felt safe, and secure when he was with Jungkook.

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