15 | I love you

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"Dad can I come in"

Taehyung's dad smiled and nodded at his son. Taehyung nervously stood in front of the man, which did not go unnoticed by his dad. He went closer and patted his hair of Taehyung lovingly.

"What is it bear? You look nervous"

"Dad,I want a small help from you"

"What help? Tell me,I will help you no matter what"

"Dad there is this boy,hmm he is my soulmate and my boyfriend"

Daesung smiled,"Oh my,my little Taehyungie got a boyfriend? Wow I would love to meet him"

Taehyung gulped and went on,"Ahm but there is a slight problem dad, you might know his father"

The man widened his eyes at Taehyung's words, "What do you mean? I know his dad?"

Taehyung nodded, "H-He is hmm Jeon Jaehyun's son"


"I k-know you both might not be in good t-terms. But w-we like each other I mean me and kook"

"But there is not any problem with that bear"Daesung smiled and said.

Taehyung widened his eyes and hugged his dad tightly, "Thank you so much".The older man chuckled and hugged back his son.

"So this was the problem?"

"Dad,the problem uncle got to know who am I and he kinda banned me from meeting Jungkook. He even told kook to break up with me because I was your son. Jungkook isn't even attending the classes because of this"

Daesung sighed,"As expected he is kinda stubborn. Don't worry I will talk to him"

"But d-dad he will l-lash at y-you"

"Ah no he won't I know him very well. He is might be kinda mad at me for the past, don't worry about that"

"But what happened to both of you? Why were-"

"It's not necessary my son, it's all in the past. Don't worry, we will go to your boyfriend's home tomorrow, ok?"

Taehyung smiled and nodded. Maybe things will get right soon


Seoyeon was working in the kitchen when she heard the doorbell ring. She was going to open the door,but her husband stopped her.

"It's okay I will get it"

She smiled and went back to her work. Jaehyun went towards the door and opened it. He was smiling till that, but his smile turned into a deep frown when he saw three people standing there.

"Jaehyun! My buddy long time no see"

"What do you want? Why have you come here?"

 Daesung scoffed, "Is this way you treat your long time buddy? Look, my wife and my son have also come here"

"I don't want-"

"Oh my god, Chaeyong!"Jaehyun saw his wife going and hugging Taehyung's mom.

"Why are you all standing there? Come inside, have a lot to talk about with you. Come here son"Seoyeon grabbed Taehyung and his mom inside the house.

Jaehyun chuckled bitterly and looked at the other man,"You really know how to play the game, right?"

"What game? I just wanted to meet you and my son said what is happening between his and his boyfriend's life and said to me you were being a villain"

Jaehyun scoffed, "I am not a villain"

"Sure, now let me go inside"

Daesung said and went inside their home,which left the other man gritting his teeth and closing the door behind him harshly.

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