19 | I want to be yours forever

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Gonna be a slight long chapter ahead🥲 💗

"Tae! I missed you" 

Taehyung chuckled and kissed the pout of the sulky baby.

"Bun I was absent for a day only and you already miss me?"


The doe-eyed boy pouted and hugged the elder tightly,"How was your family trip?"

"It was good and dad told me to bring you next time with us. My grandma and grandpa want to meet you so badly"

Jungkook grinned and buried his head in the elder's shoulder lovingly, "I will Tae"

"Oh, we must be going now. It's getting late for the class" The blue-haired boy said while looking at his watch. Jungkook hummed and played with the blue locks of Taehyung.

"Tae, I also want to dye my hair"

Taehyung turned to Jungkook with surprise evident in his eyes, "What? Really?"

Jungkook nodded and smiled,"Yes I want to try blonde, will it be good?"

"Baby you will look fucking hot with any colour"

The younger blushed and slapped Taehyung's shoulder, "You are so cheesy"

Taehyung chuckled and separated from the younger, giving a peck on his rosy lips.

"I will be going now, otherwise Mrs Lee is gonna be mad at me. Bye"Taehyung waved and went from there.Jungkook smiled and walked in the other direction. He stopped when he saw a familiar brown-haired boy standing with a girl. He quietly went in the direction and hid behind the nearby wall.

"Sunbae I really l-like you. Even if you don't like me, it's okay. But please take these chocolates. I-I made it with s-so much love"

Eunwoo gulped and was standing there, not knowing what to do. Jungkook was frowning and mumbling to himself, "What the hell are you doing you pabo hyung, just take it"

The elder sighed and smiled at the cute girl in front of him. He took the chocolates with a wide smile. Her eyes glistened with happiness when her crush took the chocolates.

"Hmm I-I don't know how to say this. But..but are you free tomorrow? We can spend some time?" Eunwoo didn't want to reject her. He wants to try it, try this whole dating thing. Maybe he could spend time with her and more know about her?

"Of course!"She squealed and took out a pen and paper.

"Sunbae, write your phone number"

Eunwoo smiled and took a pen from her, he wrote the number and gave it back to her. Little did he know, a black-haired boy was squealing quietly and enjoying their interaction.

"I will call you sunbae! Bye" She waved a goodbye to the elder and went happily. Jungkook came out of his hiding place, coughing to get the attention of the elder.

Eunwoo was shocked and was about to run from there, but Jungkook caught the collar, stopping him.

"Ohhh so, the popular girl Natasha has eyes for you, right?"

"Stop teasing me you idiot" Eunwoo scoffed and yanked the younger's hands.

Jungkook giggled and try to take some chocolates, but Eunwoo hid them behind his back.

"No these chocolates are mine"

"Woah so possessive already"

Eunwoo frowned and put the box of chocolates in his bag, "Bye,hmm"

Jungkook laughed and followed the elder, constantly teasing him about the girl.


"Sir, your hair is done"

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