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(Drawing by Wolfmusic14 )

"No..." I gasp

Raven stands in front of me dumbfoundly. I step back and stare at him with horror. As I stare a notice he had finger lines wrapped around his neck, as if he was choked. I wanted to reach for him and hug him, but I didn't want to risk hurting him. I loved him so much, but I was dangerous, I am a monster and monsters can't feel love because if they do, the lover dies.

"Stella, oh my god, I was so worried about you! I'm so happy you're okay!" He grins with relief.

He steps forward and expands his arms for me. A scream escapes my mouth and I back away. He arms fall and he looks at me with hurt. He looks at Drake sadly. Drake gives me a dirty glare and turns away with his brother. Shadow pulls at my hand.

"How do you know him?" She asks.

I pick her up and look at her in the eyes. She looked so innocent.

"It's a really long story hun, I'll tell you later alright?" I smile weakly.

She nods and I put her down. She holds my hand tightly and hides behind me partly. Raven and Drake looked at us again.

"Unbelievable! You claim to love him, but you run off and when you meet again you refuse any type of affection!" Drake screams at me.

I cower backwards and look at the ground. He was right though, I say I love him, but I reject every attempt of him reaching out.

"Don't insult her! She is afraid, it doesn't mean you have to hurt her!" Shadow yells at Drake.

Drake stares at the little girl with surprise. He looks away with defeat and Raven watches me sadly. The four of us start walking, no where in particular however. Shadow and I were in the front and the twins were behind us mumbling things to each other. I so very desperately wanted to know what they were saying, but I couldn't hear a thing. Finally we arrive to an open area, fights went on all around us.

In the middle of all the fights sat a girl, she flickered once in a while, she looked around curiously. She looked about my age, she turned towards us and confusion spread across her face. She stood from her sitting position and frolicked towards us. She was magnificently beautiful. She had dark blue hair and red eyes, I'd didn't know if she was demon or spirit.

She stood in front of me and she leaned in, her hot breath was on my face. I hear Raven clear his throat and she directs her attention to him. I watch her approach him, she places her hand on his face, he looks at her desperate for her touch. Jealously boils, suddenly she kisses Raven. An unhuman like scream escaped my mouth and my body pounced at her. My body impacts something and I look down, Raven stares at me shock.

"Ouch." He eventually hissed.

"I'm sorry, but she kissed you!" I apologize.

"Who?" He growled. I stare at him awkwardly.

"The girl, she had blue hair, she was so beautiful." I whimpered as I started to tear up.

"I don't remember seeing a girl." He grunts as I'm flung off his body.

I cradle my legs and place my head in my knees. My body rocks and sharp crys fill the silence. The kiss replayed in my mind, it felt as if my mind was tearing itself apart.

"Stella?" Shadow whispers, her small hand places itself on my arm.

"He hates me!" I scream.

"I don't hate you." Raven grumbles.

"You should." A soft whisper echoed.

I raise my head and the girl stands there. Her smile is beautiful, but cruel at the same time. Raven looked behind him and reached for her.

"What a beautiful creature." He purred as his hand interlocked itself into her sea of hair.

"Thank you, now dear, come with me, you too." She smiled as she looked at Drake.

"Of course." The twins said in sync, it seemed as if they were hypnotized.

The girl turned with the boys following. I found courage inside myself and stood up chasing after her. I grabbed her hair in a swift motion and yanked back, she fell, but just before she hit the ground she flickered and dissappeared.

"That wasn't very nice." She pouted.

"Who are you?" I growl.

"My name is Siren, it's a pleasure, actually no it isn't." She frowned.

"What are you?" I questioned. She smiled.

"Well I am a demon, but a demon of the seas, stories are told about me, they aren't real though. They portray me as a mermaid thing, but I don't have fins. I'm simply a legged demon. My duty is to lure handsome men to their deaths, but you're preventing that." She explains. She glares at me as she says the last part.

"Well Siren, leave these two alone!" I yell.

"You're lame." She grunts.

"I don't really care." I hiss.

"Does she always have a stick up her butt?" Siren frowns as she looks at Drake.

He laughs awkwardly, I quickly shoot a glare at him. He shuts up.

"Yes, she does." Drake laughs betraying my scowl.

"How do you put up with her?" She asks. Drake shrugs.

"Usually, I don't really hang out with her much. She doesn't like people." He taunts.

"I do so like people!" I shout at him.

"Name one person you like alot other then Shadow, Raven, and I." He challenges.

I stand there thinking hardly. My brain racks for people, but it came out empty.

"Angel!" I burst out. He chuckles.

"Like the spirit king?" He teases.

"Yes." I smile.

"I'm pretty sure that's a lie, but hey I guess you don't want to be wrong." He sighs.

"Talk about annoying." Siren laughs.

"I know right!" Drake exclaims.

I smile as I watch the two talk. They seemed to hit it off really well, I could tell they would be pretty good friends. Despite the fact she tried to kill them both.

"I'm hungry!" Siren suddenly yells.

Everyone stared at her. Suddenly everything felt quite, I glanced around it seemed like everyone was gone. Either dead or they fled. I shrug it off and look at the group.

"Do you want to go eat doughnuts?" Drake suggests. Siren nods wildly and they run off together.

Raven, Shadow, and I were left standing there awkwardly. I look at Raven as he watches the two run away together.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. He looks at me.

I look down and the patter of feet came towards me. I feel two strong arms wrap around me.

"I forgive you." Raven responded as he held my body close to him.

"I was just scared I would hurt you with my powers." I start to cry.

"I know, I don't blame you, but you need to stop running off. We can face this together." He says reassuringly. I nod.

"Hey! Are you guys coming?" Shout Drake and Siren from across the field.

The three of us standing there head towards them. Their laughs echo the valleys, I look up at the sky. It all seemed so quite. Too quite.

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