Chapter 1 - Shattered Dreams

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

The Last Resort

Chapter 1 - Shattered dreams

This isn't a terribly long story, but one full of drama, tragedy and recovery.

Important author's Note: Any dialogue in Italics is in Tori's head. She is imagining what Jade would probably say to her.

Tori grunted in disbelief as she spoke into the phone. "I don't see how I could be any help here Cat. She despises me. I'm the last person she would ever want to see."

"Actually, Sinjin is the last person I would ever WANT to see. You, I don't want to see at all."

Cat's voice was pleading. "Everyone has tried to get through to her, me, Robbie, Andre Beck, her parents. You're the only one left, who hasn't tried."

"Cat, you phrase it like I don't care, like I don't feel bad for what happened to Jade and Krista. They were planning a life together and I was staying away. I had my chance and I blew it. After the accident I simply didn't think there was anything I could do to help. I was the one that cheated on her with Mark, I was the one the ruined our relationship. I fucked up and I didn't want to fuck up her life anymore. Besides, she lives in L.A. and I'm in New York. Remember?" Tori barked angrily.

Tori was angry at the whole situation; it was compounded by a feeling of helplessness and regret. After 3 years of being together Jade and Tori hit a rough patch while in college. They were both busy and each felt neglected by the other. Tori was appearing in a play with Mark, a senior who she had become very good friends with. In the play they played man and wife and had been working very close together. Jade didn't like it, but didn't stop Tori from being in the play. One night after a long day of rehearsals, Tori and Mark went out for drinks. Tori spoke of how her and Jade had been fighting badly earlier that day. Mark at that point told Tori he had fallen for her. In a moment of Impulsive weakness, Tori kissed Mark. Once she crossed the threshold it was all too easy to simply give in, so that night Tori slept with Mark.

Feeling horrible about it, Tori admitted to the affair to Jade and begged forgiveness the next day. Furious, Jade dumped Tori on the spot and said she never wanted to speak to her again. Having being cut out of Jade's life completely, a heartbroken Tori moved to NY to finish college there.

Through Cat who remained friends with Jade, Tori learned that Jade a year later had begun to see a girl named Krista. She played Cello with a local orchestra and was said to be a very talented musician. Tori threw herself into her work in Broadway trying to forget the mistake destroyed the relationship with the woman she loved. On a trip to L.A. to see her parents she ran into Krista and Jade at a restaurant. The encounter was brief, but very awkward and tense. Tori's already broken heart was crushed even further when she saw how happy Jade looked. It was that same look of happiness that she once saw when they were together. Tori could only see hatred and contempt for her in Jade's eyes. It was then and there, that Tori knew that Jade had moved on. She put on her best fake smile, wished them well and went home to pack to leave, cutting her trip short.

That encounter was 2 and half years ago. Tori had dated and had a steady girlfriend for almost a year, but she didn't really love that person so the relationship slowly died out. No one could replace Jade in her heart. Just a month and half ago, Tori learned that Krista had proposed to Jade and she said yes. All the old feelings that she tried to forget suddenly came rushing back.

2 weeks ago, Tori had gotten a late-night call from Cat. Tearfully, Cat told Tori that Jade and Krista where driving home from dinner in the rain and had an accident. Their car had hit a large puddle and lost control and hit a tree. Krista was killed instantly, but Jade only suffered a broken arm, a minor concussion and a number of cuts.

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