Chapter 4 - Starts and stops, ups and downs

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

The Last Resort

Chapter 4 – Starts and stops, ups and downs.

Tori's POV

She's been silent and motionless for almost 17 minutes now. She's not catatonic, as I see the pained expression on her face. She's there but just isn't responding. I'd give anything to know what's going on insider her head. We all know she was driving the car and was speeding in the rain, but I suspect we're missing something. She hadn't been drinking, so it wasn't that.

Perhaps it's selfish of me, but I took the time to just admire how beautiful she looks. Even in this condition, my heart skips a beat. I love her longer hair, down to the middle of her back. I want to touch it so badly.

"I'm mourning the love of my life and all you want to do is cop a feel. You have all the sensitivity of a dump truck, Vega."

"I'm going home today." Jade finally said, shattering the silence.

"That's good." I said without thinking. As soon as I thought of how stupid that was to say, I cringed. She's going home to the apartment she shares with Krista. All of Krista's stuff is there, but no Krista.

Jade seemed to ignore my remark and just kept on speaking, still looking out the window. "But Krista won't. I miss her most at night when I wake. I woke up in the middle of the night and for a split second I thought if I reached over, she would be there next to me." Jade lowered her head and again a tear fell from her eye. "But she'll never be there again."

I took a deep breath and thought for a moment. "Some say, it's good after an event like this to find a new place to live. One with not so many old ghosts wandering around. Find a new place and fill it with new memories."

"You want me to forget Krista so you can make a pathetic attempt to try and win me back. Fuck you Tori."

As Jade brought her head back up I could see, just from the look in her eyes that she was at least considering it.

"Your old house is for sale." I'm not sure why I mentioned that.

Jade raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "You drove by?"

I nodded. "I took a little tour of a few spots I hadn't been to in a while. That basement window lock is still broken. Don't get me wrong, the house is empty."

For a millisecond I could see a smirk on Jade's face before it vanished.

"You were in my old room!" Jade said with an expression that I couldn't quite decipher.

"A criminal as well as a cheating, lying bitch."

"It has green walls now. I'm sorry Jade. I was just remembering." Thinking I was veering into territory I shouldn't, I then said. "I had lunch at Nozu. It's exactly the same."

"I haven't been there in a while. Krista hated the food there. Did you go anywhere else?"

I nodded. "I drove by Hollywood arts and saw our old table."

"What does that make you think of?" Jade queried.

I hesitated for a moment before answering. "You and me holding hands under the table. Before anyone knew about us. It's silly but it was the greatest feeling in the world."

"My greatest feeling was dumping your cheating ass."

I felt strange talking about our past, when her present, is lying dead in a grave. Jade was silent, but I could see a brief twinkle in her eye. But like the smirk from before, it vanished as quickly as it appeared.

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