Chapter 7 - Conversations with the dead

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

The Last Resort

Chapter 7 – Conversations with the dead

Tori's POV

As Jade and I came down the stairs my mom, who was in the kitchen, looked up.

"Are you going out?"

I nodded. "I'm taking Jade to see were Krista's buried."

Just saying that caused Jade to cringe slightly, which made me feel lousy. At this point my mom walked over, put her hand on Jade's arm and gave her a very sympathetic look.

"I didn't get to say it earlier but I am so sorry for your loss. If you ever need anything, day or night, please don't hesitate to call David or I. We both care very much for you."

Jade smiled briefly and nodded. "Thank you, I appreciate that."

Jade said nothing else as I led her to the car and begun to drive. Instead, she just looked out the window with a sullen look on her face.

"Would you like me to stop at a florist so you can pick up some flowers for the grave; there is one on the way?" I asked.

Jade wordlessly nodded then went back to looking out the window. As I pulled up in front of the florist, I couldn't help but notice how overcast and gloomy it was. On top of that a unusually cold November wind made its appearance. Jade got out of the car and returned a few minutes later with a dozen roses.

As before, Jade remained silent and morose the rest of the ride. As the cemetery came into view, I could see a single tear run down her cheek.

I pointed to a small rise in the cemetery as we drove through the gate. "There." Still Jade said nothing.

We pulled up to the curb about 50 yards from the grave and got out of the car. The sky was still very overcast and it looked like it was going to rain but so far it hadn't. Jade just started to walk on ahead of me as she had gotten out of the car at first. She seemed to be walking like she was in a trance. I stayed closed behind her but left her be. It was a heartbreaking scene, with my heart tearing a bit more with every step Jade took to her lover's grave.

I stopped about 10 yards from the grave but continued to watch Jade as she approached it.

The tombstone itself was a slab of pink granite, with a slightly raised center. On it one could see the word's Krista Marlene Tyler, Beloved daughter and the year of her birth and her death.

I watched with apprehension as Jade mechanically walked up to the grave. She began to shake as closed the final few feet and sank to her knees at the grave.

With a trembling hand she placed the bouquet of roses in front of the tombstone. Looking upon her face I could the last of her emotional defenses crumble.

Her lower lip quivered slightly and her lips parted as the first of her tears fell across her cheeks onto the grave.

"I...I....I...I'm so sorry baby. I n..never meant to hurt you. Please believe me Krista. I loved you." She said through the tears.

A moment later a tremendous wail, which shattered my own heart, emanated from her lips. It was a wordless cry which was so filled with aguish and pain, it tortured my soul, just hearing it. Jade simply fell forward onto the grave sobbing uncontrollably. "PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" she cried out.

I couldn't stand to by a bystander anymore; my heart would no longer allow it. I had to comfort the woman I love. It wasn't even about me. It was about Her. My own tears flowing, I rushed over, knelt down and put my arms around Jade and pulled her up into a tight hug. She just kept crying into my shoulder, whimpering the words "I'm sorry Krista" over and over.

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