Chapter 2 - Picking up the pieces

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

The Last Resort

Chapter 2 – Picking up the pieces

Tori's POV

If there was any reaction, I couldn't see it. The Goth sat like a statue just starring out of the window.

I took a couple of unsure steps into the room, feeling very much like an intruder. The words "Krista's territory" ran through my mind.

"I'm not really sure what to say Jade. You were more confident with your words than I ever was. Cat begged me to come and talk with you. I'm so very sorry about Krista." I wasn't sure if Jade would believe me in saying that I was sorry about Krista. But like before, Jade did nothing.

Gathering up my courage, I closed the distance, pulled up a chair next to Jade's wheelchair and sat down. Her eyes were open but her expression was blank. I took a moment to study the Goth's eyes, to try and get a feeling for what was going on inside that head. But I could read nothing in Jade's blank quiet stare out the window. Her only movement was the occasional blinking of her eyes which wasn't that often.

I felt so helpless and guilty and for a few minutes sat quietly next to Jade. Part of me wanted to hold Jade's hand, but I decided to not cross that boundary. Much to my regret, I knew perfectly well that I had forfeited any right to touch Jade.

"Jade.  I'm the last resort. That's why I'm here. I say that because I know the first words out of your mouth upon seeing me here would be. What the fuck are you doing here? If you don't snap out of this, they will transfer you to a mental hospital. I know you don't want that."

I could hear Jade's imaginary reply in my head. My imaginary Jade was doing the talking for her. "How in the fuck do you know what I want Vega?"

"It could be said that I no longer know you or what you want. I know you hate hospitals or at least you used to. Your mom says you like classical music now, that's changed but I doubt your hatred of hospitals has."

Much like the real one, imaginary Jade remained silent.

"I suppose everyone has told you how much there is too life and how you should rejoin it. How you should remember the good times and move on. Because that's what Krista would want you to do."

"Don't you fucking dare even think of putting words in Krista's mouth Vega!" Imaginary Jade roared.

"I honestly have no clue what Krista would say or want you to do. I met her for less than 5 minutes in probably one of the most painful and awkward moments in my life. It hardly makes me an expert on the subject of Krista Tyler."

Once again imaginary Jade, roared in anger. "Dam fucking right Vega!"

"As I was saying, I'm sure they said all kinds of things to try and snap you out of this. I doubt if I say any of those things it would do any good either. I know your mom outside; thinks I'm going to fail."

"Wow, for once I agree with my mother, you are going to fail Vega." Imaginary Jade said rather sarcastically

"I stayed away because I didn't want to make anything worse. My first instinct was to come to you right away when the accident happened."

"Was that the same instinct that caused you to fuck your co-star. instead of your girlfriend?"

"But I'm here now and I'm here to help you Jade. It's the least I can do."

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