Chapter 9 - Full circle

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

The Last Resort

Chapter 9 – Full circle.

Authors Note: Were going move forward a bit as we wrap up the story. I will speed things up a bit as well.

Tori's POV

15 months have come and gone since that day I left Jade in the psych ward. She stayed there for just over two weeks. The counseling sessions and various types of treatment did help her at least get a grip on things.

Still, she wasn't out of the woods. I did talk to her on the phone and in emails. I would ask how she was doing and say whatever I could to raise her spirits and build her confidence back up. My agent's, as I like to call them, kept close tabs on Jade for me and gave her tons of support. I was referring to my mom, Cat, Beck, Andre and Robbie. My mom has Jade over to dinner at least one a month. It's funny, Jade has a better relationship with my mother than her own.

I even heard that Jade's relationship with her mom has improved somewhat. I hear she's still a bitch, but Jade tells me she's making more of an effort to connect and be supportive. Perhaps I did knock some sense into her. Jade tells me that were making progress, on a somewhat of glacial pace, but it's still progress. Her father has been distant, but supportive.

Thankfully, Krista's parents didn't blame Jade for the accident. She confided in me soon after she went into the ward is that was a prime worry of hers. But they, like everyone else who knew Krista, mourned her loss and tried to move on. Having some money, they did create a music scholarship in her name.

As I said I did speak to Jade, but not terribly often. Generally, every couple of weeks, though I suspect that she knows I keep very close tabs on her well-being. My mom was right that I needed to give her some space. If I had suddenly been calling every day and acting like it was old times, she wouldn't have been able to heal properly. I hear she's doing well, though she has her bad days.

Within a few months she got back into her acting career, with a small television appearance. Since then, she's slowly worked her way back and doing well, now having a reoccurring role on a nighttime television drama.

Our relationship is strange. We are friends now, but there's a slight awkwardness. I avoid talking too much about our past. I concentrate on the present and helping her. She misses Kirsta. Though she's doing better, she struggles at times. She generally contacts me on her bad days. Some days she's more open with me than others. It just depends on her mood. Some days she acts like I'm her very best friend and confidant I the world. Some day's she very distant and cold. I'm not offended though. I just need to remind myself that the woman she loved and was planning on spending her life with, is dead. It's not about me, it's about Jade and her well being.

There is another reason I haven't made it back and don't have too much time available. After years of being on the chorus line or small parts I finally nailed a big role. About 6 months ago I auditioned for a Broadway revival of the Musical, Chicago. I was originally going to audition for one of the smaller roles but on a lark, went for one of the two principal leads, Velma Kelly. That was the role that Catherine Zeta-Jones played in the movie.

Much to my surprise, I got the role and I beat out several other actresses that had much longer resumes than me. We officially opened 4 months ago and have been packing them in ever since. The production got great notices across the board for me and everyone else involved. I even hear some talk about me being nominated for a Tony award. I'm not going to hold my breath on that one, I'll believe it when I see it. I'm being noticed and I'm getting offers for roles. During a break in production of my musical next month, I'll play the role of a model suspected of a ghastly sex crime on an episode of Law & Order SVU. The funny thing is that the role was a woman who was abrasive and possibly a sociopath. I simply did my best imitation of Jade from our high school days and promptly got the part. I was able to quit both of my jobs and found a nicer place to live. I even have an agent now.

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