Chapter 10 - A new beginning

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, it's characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

The Last Resort

Chapter 10 – A new beginning.

Tori's POV

After the kiss, Jade put her head on my shoulder and silently cuddled up next to me. I knew she not only wanted to be with me, she needed to be with me. I could just sense it. The whole ride was magical and would end up being one of the happiest moments in my life.

After the ride ended, I took Jade's hand and began to walk down the street. Jade still hadn't said anything, but she looked at peace. Just seeing her like this, after all she'd been through made me so happy. This was one of those times where Jade was content to simply be with me. Words weren't even needed. It was almost like my presence and confirmation of our love, quieted the storm that had been raging inside of her.

"I'm a bit tired, from all my traveling today. Mind if we cut it short tonight." Jade said, breaking her silence.

Though happy, I could also see she was a bit tired and jet lagged. I was looking forward to a night on the town; I would now be getting a chance to do some serious cuddling. At least, I hope.

I nodded and waived my hand to flag down a taxi. "No problem. You do look a bit tired."


I got lucky and a cab pulled right over. We piled in and were on our way back to my apartment.

After a few moments of silence, she took my hand. "Would you like to be my girlfriend again? Officially? It's not like I'm going to date or even want anyone else. I don't want anyone else, ever."

Once again, I couldn't restrain myself and threw my arms around her. "God, yes, always yes. I'm going to make you the happiest Goth ever. You've made me so happy. I could just cry."

Jade laughed. "A happy Goth? I'm not sure if there is such a thing."

I playfully punched her in the shoulder. "You know what I mean."

Jade just smiled. "That's what I'm counting on."

We got to my apartment building and got in the elevator. As we rode up, Jade gave me a small kiss. But then gave me a slightly pensive look. "I'm not sure if I'm quite ready for us to...."

I kissed her on the cheek. "Jade, I'm just happy to be with you again and you do what you want when you feel right." I said it in my best reassuring tone of voice, which seemed to quickly have its desired effect.

"Could you just hold me tonight?" Jade said.

The thing is, that she looked so completely vulnerable as she said it. It was no mere request, it was a plea, from a lonely lost soul. It was evident in both her eyes and tone of voice. Once upon a time, Jade would never dare show a hint of vulnerability to me. Now I'm the only would she would even think showing this side to. The only other person she would have shown this side to, is dead.

I leaned in to give Jade deep passionate kiss. "Tonight, and every night after."

That seemed to please Jade as a smile formed on her ruby red lips. After a moment it morphed into a rather distinctive smirk, as we reached my floor.

"You do realize, you'll be watching the scissoring at least one a month for the rest of your life." Jade dark humor had suddenly returned.

I involuntary groaned, "Only once a month?"

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