Chapter 5 - Road to ruin

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

The Last resort

Chapter 5 – Road to ruin.

Tori's POV

I quickly sat up in bed, while rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Then I blinked a few times to see if Jade was a figment of my imagination, But Jade remained sitting on the foot of my bed, staring straight ahead.

"You're not crazy tori, you're just a cheating whore."

"urg..." I said while running my hand through my hair.

"Ah...I wasn't..." I began to say before Jade finished my sentence.

"Expecting me."

I sat up a little further in bed as I finally began to fully wake up. "No."

Jade then glanced over at my neatly packed suitcase that was sitting on my old desk. "You were going to leave, weren't you?"

I put my head down. "Yeah...After last night I pretty much guessed that I wore out my welcome, besides failing miserably."

Jade sighed. "You didn't on either account. I was out of line. After Cat yelled at me, I tried to call you. But your phone was turned off. So I decided to try and sleep, with the intention of coming here this morning. But instead of sleeping I simply cried most of the night."

I quickly grunted in annoyance as I got out from under the covers and sat on the bed. "I'm sorry she shouldn't have yelled at you. I just told her to watch over you. "

"Whoops, failed again Vega."

"No." Jade replied quickly. "Cat just said I was trying to help and I shouldn't have blown up at her. I deserved it."

I was still trying to figure out why Jade wanted to know about my cheating, now at all times. It seemed very strange. "I'll explain, but I'm not sure if this is the right time, after all with Krista..."

Jade quickly reached over and grabbed my wrist. "When I was Catatonic I could hear bits of what you said to me you described it as impulsive. It's important. I need you to explain yourself." Her voice, though still hoarse was almost pleading.

I was a bit confused, but I took a deep breath and started. "We had been fighting a lot. As I recall it was a couple of things. The thing with the money, you were saying I was spending too much. I felt neglected by you. You were jealous of Mark who was playing my husband. We just weren't talking; I should had tried harder to communicate. Instead, I just got angry, resentful. That morning we had fought over the fact that you were jealous of Mark. I left angry and went to rehearsals with Mark."

I paused and took another deep breath. My heart was beginning to beat faster. I was worried how she would react. "I liked Mark, he seemed nice and we had really good chemistry on stage. We seemed to click. But I was still your girlfriend. Up to that night I never even considered cheating on you. We didn't finish until well after 9 o'clock in the evening. As I was leaving Mark asked me if I wanted to join him for a drink or two. We talked for I don't know how long. I spoke of how we hit a bad spot and he just played the understanding good friend. I just felt so good to talk to someone about it all. But at one point he stopped and said how you were taking me for granted and he told me he had fallen for me. I was very flattered and told him so."

At this point during a slight pause Jade looked over at the open window. I could see a look of surprise on her face as she noticed it. "You left the window open....for me?"

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