Chapter 8 - A life without

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

The Last Resort

Chapter 8 – A life without...

Tori's POV

The rest of the evening went uneventfully. I figured I probably crossed a boundary by listening to the practice CD's so I kept out of trouble for the rest of the night and just watched TV. Around 11, I decided to go to bed myself. Jade had been asleep for hours and so far, I hadn't heard a peep from her. I did check on her from time to time and she was just fine.

As Jade said, the couch folded out into a bed. Thankfully there were already sheets on it. I made a quick search and found a blanket on the shelf of a linen closet. Soon enough I was in the dark, lying in bed.

My mind couldn't get off of Jade who was sleeping only a few rooms away. Part of me wanted to crawl into bed with her so badly. Not just for me, but because I know she needs someone to hold her. I love her so much and I wish there was more I could do. I was so close to her after all these years, yet so far. Those were my thoughts as I drifted off to sleep.

Sometime later I awoke to the sound of Jade's voice. As my eyes snapped open, I could see that it was still night time. Checking my phone, I could see it was 3:04 AM.

"Krista?" I could hear Jade's voice call out, sounding distressed. As I got out of bed, I could see in the dim light, a figure move from the hallway leading to the bedroom towards the kitchen.

"Krista?" Jade said again, sounding upset.

I sprung off the bed and rushed to Jade, putting my hand on her arm. "Jade, Jade. Are you ok?"

I could tell by the look in her eyes she was almost completely out of it. I'm not sure if this is considered sleepwalking, but it certainly looked like it.

After a moment she looked at me with hazy look in her eyes. "Krista, I...I...woke and you weren't there. I couldn't find you...I." She sounded very worried.

She must have had a dream or nightmare and now she's looking for Krista. She's still half asleep. My heart ached when, I realized she thought I was Krista.

"Jade, it's me Tori. You had a dream. I'm sorry, but Krista's gone." I said as a tear came to my eye.

It was then I could see the realization creep back into her eyes. Her whole form just seemed to wither on the spot. "I'm sorry Tori. I dreamed about her and she wasn't in bed with me. I was looking..." Jade said before she started to cry.

"I miss her so much, Tori." She said as she fell into my arms.

I gave her back a quick rub. "I know you do. Let get you back into bed."

Jade whimpered as I led her back into her bedroom. All of this was so hard for me, so hard to keep myself together. I just wanted to cry for my poor Jade.

I put her back into bed and as before she fell asleep almost instantly. Once I was sure she was safely asleep, I left the room. I then went into the bathroom, shut the door and broke down into tears. I had been strong for Jade ever since I had arrived and I just couldn't hold it in anymore.

I quietly sobbed in the bathroom for about 20 minutes, then I carried myself back into bed. I couldn't' sleep at first, but I eventually managed to fall into a restless sleep.

I woke about 8:30 and quick check revealed a still sleeping Jade. I took a quick shower, got dressed and made some phone calls. I called Cat to say how the night went amongst others. As soon as I was done with that, I started to make Jade breakfast, like I would do so long ago. It took me a few minutes to find everything but I eventually got started.

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