Chapter 3 - Old familiar haunts

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me

The Last Resort

Chapter 3 – Old familiar haunts.

Tori's POV

I emerged from the room to see Allison and Cat. Allison was impatiently pacing back and forth with a rather sour expression on her face. I was reminded of jade instantly when I saw it.

But it was Cat that spoke first. "Is Jade back?"

I nodded. "Yes, she is. I can't say she is talking much, but she's back. She asked to be left alone."

Cat immediately threw her arms around me in a crushing hug. "Oh thank you Tori. You're wonderful."

"What did she say?" Asked Allison coldly.

"That she killed Krista and not much else." I said sadly. "Saying, she's back is not very accurate, now that I think about it. She's talking and is responsive but she isn't really Jade."

"Thank you, Tori." Allison said in that rather fake polite tone of voice she used all the time.

I just glared at her and turned to walk away.

"Call me!" I heard Cat call out as I got further away.

"Will do."

Getting into my rental car, I was going to drive home. Something was nagging me. Jade said she killed Krista. But she said it like she murdered her. I made a quick call to my dad to find out where the accident happened. He told me and I drove there.

It was a rather mundane, but peaceful residential neighborhood. It had all the normal trappings, tree lined streets, kids playing on well-manicured lawns. Eventually I came to the spot. There was a rather distinct S curve in the street and near the end was a rather large oak tree. In fact, the roads in the neighborhood were full of twists and turns. I could see the mark on it where Jade's SUV slammed into it. Parking, I got out and looked at the scene.

My father told me that the blood alcohol test they took on Jade, showed she hadn't been drinking. The accident was witnessed by a person who happened to be looking out his home window near the scene of the accident. His view was partially obstructed, but he said the car seemed to be going fast. One factor that contributed to the accident, was the fact that the nearest storm drain on the street had gotten clogged with leaves. With the drain clogged the street began to fill up with water, more than you would get with a rainstorm. When Jade's car hit the large puddle of water, it hydroplaned sideways and slammed into the tree.

In my mind I could see Jade coming out of the curve, hitting a puddle, sliding sideways and hitting the tree on the passenger side. I knew they were coming home from dinner at a restaurant called Fellini's, but I found myself wondering why did she take this route. I was told she lived with Krista on Belmont Street. A direct route from Fellini's to Jades apartment would not take this way. This is a way to get there, but it was a bit longer and would add at least 5 - 10 minutes onto the drive time. It was a rather odd detail, that hung in my mind.

"Why do you take the long route when it rains?" I said as I stood on the spot where Krista died.

I went home to my parents, where I was staying and had dinner. Trina and her husband joined us so it was like old times. It was a fun evening and I was able to take my mind off of Jade and Krista.

Lying in my bed late at night I couldn't help to look to the window. The same window where Jade once upon a time, would come through late at night to be with me. She would open the window, climb in, strip naked and slide into bed with me. Sometimes we would make love, sometimes we would just sleep in each other's arms. It didn't matter what we were doing, it was just that we were together. I eventually would leave it open for her at night, so she would be able to get in easier. I miss those days, terribly.

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