Chapter 6 - Putting her back together

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

The Last Resort

Chapter 6 – Putting her back together.

Tori's POV

"Jade, you are not a monster." I repeated in a calm soothing voice.

She needed professional help, and bad. But until I could get her there, I needed to be her strength. A burden which I would gladly bear.

As I suspected, imaginary Jade remained silent as the real one continued uncontrollably cry in my arms. I would gently rock her while slowly rubbing her back. I just let her cry it out, barely noticing the tears coming from my own eyes.

I had never seen Jade so completely broken and lost. My mom must have heard the sobbing and poked her head in the door with a worried look in her eyes.

"Is she OK?" She mouthed to me.

The simple answer would be, no she's not ok. Not even remotely ok. But I just covertly waived her off and she quietly closed the door. With ever sob, with every painful moan, with every utterance of "I killed her" my heart broke even further. Once upon a time, I deeply resented Krista for taking my place. But seeing the woman I love so distraught at Krista's loss, erased every bit of that resentment. In fact, it made me feel bad, for feeling that way at all. I was the one the screwed up, I had no right to be resentful of the person who took my place.

Jade continued to cry, sob and wail for I don't know how long. But eventually her moans and sobbing grew quieter as she fell into an exhausted sleep in my arms. I had guessed she was up most of the night crying and was completely exhausted.

At this point I gently pulled back the covers on my bed and placed her in it. I wanted to slip myself in bed with her, to comfort her and feel her close to me again. But it would just be wrong, not to mention disrespectful to Krista. I wanted Jade, but not like this. So I pulled off her boots, pulled the covers over her sleeping form and let her sleep. I placed I kiss on her forehead and quietly left the room.

Outside the room I leaned up against the wall and tried to think. Try and fathom the horror and tragedy of the whole situation.

"Is Jade Ok?" My mom said softly as she came from downstairs. "She must have been crying for an hour."

I rubbed my face with my hands. "My god. She is so broken, so guilt ridden."

"She came here and said she needed to speak with you. Normally I would tell her no as you were asleep, but this was different. She looked like she barely slept a wink."

"I'll bet she didn't she cried herself to sleep in my arms. She's sleeping in my bed right now."

"Did something happen in there?" My mom asked.

"Long story short, she picked the route home that she took in an impulse to see how their new car would handle on twisty turn type roads. She also wanted to see how it handled in the rain. She feels totally responsible for Krista's death. It was still an accident though." I didn't mention the fact that Jade had been teasing Krista only moments before her death, no one needed to know that.

My mom gasped but before she could say anything. "Could you do me a favor. I need to take quick shower, could you watch over her for me. I don't want her to be alone."

My mom nodded and I headed into the shower, being as quick about it as possible. Heading back into my room I found my mom sitting next to my bed.

"She's still asleep." My mom whispered. "Is there anything you need?"

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