chapter four: alana

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“Lani, this is Ashton, he goes to your new school. His mother offered for him to drive you in last night”


It takes everything in me not to have a mental breakdown right here, right now. Instead, I grab my coat and head towards his car.  

I can feel his presence looming behind me, as I swiftly turn to enter his car. But of course, being the complete and utter embarrassment to the human race I am, I stumble and practically head but the bonnet; well the whole good first impression thing is out the window then.  His throaty laugh booms in my ears and I stare up at him, goggling at his beauty. He holds his hand out, but I refuse to succumb to the cliché that the men always help the woman – that, and the fact I am not 100% sure if I could contain myself if I was to ‘hold’ his hand.

“Are you okay?” he says as he climbs into his car.

‘Oh yes, I’m fine, I’ve just embarrassed myself in front of the hottest human being I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, so of course I am completely under control’ I answer in my head, but instead I simply utter out a ‘mhm’ and proceed in strapping myself into the seat; I really don’t want to embarrass myself anymore by slamming my head into the window or something.

“Soo…Alana…that is your name right?” Ashton says coolly, keeping his eyes on the road.

“Uh…I…yes…Lani…Alana….I like to be called Lani” I stutter out, my cheeks turning a deeper colour of red, my eyes darting down to focus on my hands. He looks at me, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly, as he lets out a hearty chuckle.

“Well then, Alana,” he mocks “I’m Ashton, and I’m your ride”

I’d like to ride you, I think turning an even darker colour.

“I know, uh I mean not like a stalker, but…uh” I breathe out, my heart beating faster than usual. What the hell is wrong with me? He is just a boy Lani, just a boy; a normal, regular boy.

I think Ashton gives up on the whole talking thing, because he looks at over at me one last time and decides to turn the radio up. I watch the streets pass by and try to memorize the way to school the best I can, just in case I ever have to hurl myself out of this car because the awkwardness gets too much. As Ashton pulls into the parking lot, I watch as groups of girls practically swoon at the sight of his car; what are they, flipping groupies?

Snapping his fingers in front of my face, Ashton grasps my attention, throwing me out of my trance.

“Okay Alana, I’m going to lay down some rules before we leave the car.” he says, looking me in the eyes. “Rule number one: do not approach me at school, ever. Wait for me by my car at the end of the day, but don’t even look at me elsewhere” I scoff, a sudden burning feeling building up inside of me.

“Rule number two: don’t tell anyone that we’re neighbours, I don’t want people to think we’re friends or anything. Finally, rule number three: don’t talk to my friends. Got it?” he says his face deadly serious. This guy has got to be kidding me, who the hell does he think he is? Any feeling of warmth or admiration I had for him before is now completely obliterated. I hate this guy. I grab my bag, open the door and reply to his request with a simple “Fuck you!” I don’t wait to see his reaction as I storm off in the direction of the entrance way.

Shit, I think, now what do I do? I look around trying to find some kind of admissions office or desk, but all I see is a valley of lockers. I head in the general direction of everyone else, hoping to see someone who looks like they might work here. I gasp as I feel someone tap my shoulder.

“Hey, you look new? Are you lost?” I turn around to find a tall, Asian looking guy. Don’t forget a attractive, my subconscious adds.

“Helloo? Earth to…” he tapers off, not knowing my name.

“Lani, my names Lani” I smile, fiddling with my hands.

“Lani, I like it. A pretty name for a pretty girl, I’m Calum” he flirts, smiling like the Cheshire Cat.

“Thank you…Calum” I laugh, trying out his name “but to answer your question before, I am new and I am lost” I giggle, admiring his features. What the hell Lani, you just giggled? What is happening to you?! I blush as Calum smiles a gorgeous smile, his brown eyes twinkling.

“Well it would be my upmost pleasure to assist you, M’Lady” he mimics, putting on his best British accent.

“Oh my God,” I laugh “I do not sound like that!”

“Oh, but you do!” he smiles, walking in the direction to what I suppose is the office.


“See, it wasn’t that bad!” Calum reassures me as we walk out of the administrations office. I smile at him as I look at my new timetable.

“What’ve you got first?” he asks, carrying all my new books for me.

“English Lit” I groan stopping at my new locker.

I’d learnt a few things about Calum while we’d been waiting for some assistance, this first being that he was in fact not Asian, and was Kiwi. He also had one sister called Mali, and was in a small band.

“Come on,” Calum said grabbing my arm “I’ll take you there!”

I smiled at his kind gesture and immediately warmed up to him

“Are you sure?” I asked “I don’t want to cause any trouble”

“Oh, shut up! It would be my pleasure. Wait for me at the end of the lesson, I’ll ‘pick’ you up” he said, strolling off to his next lesson once we’d arrived at mine.

Maybe things were going to get better; maybe school wouldn’t be so bad…Maybe. 

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