chapter fifteen: alana

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A/N: this chapter contains poorly written smut so if you're not comfortable with that kind of content skip to the flash forward in time marked by the "***". also thank you so much for almost 350 reads, that's so insane!! anyway, enjoy :-)

Everything in my body was on overdrive, every sense heightened and all my clouded mind could think was the way Ashton's calloused hands slipped lower and lower down my body. His fingers traced the lace outline of my dress, shamelessly sliding the dress up to my waist. In that moment there was nothing I wanted more than to feel his plump, luscious lips where I needed them most. Ashton's pupils were no longer the gorgeous hazel that graced his orbs, but instead were replaced by a fierce, dark, ferocious black that ignited a fire deep inside my stomach, in a place that had never felt quite like this before.

His lips attached themselves to the soft, pallor skin of my inner thigh and I released a sharp, cracked breath as I felt the pad of his thumb trace over my clothed clit. Goosebumps rose all over my body as he continued his slow, torturous actions.

"..Fuck.." I whispered, my hands intertwining themselves into his delicate, messed curls.

"You like it don't you? You like it when I touch you there" he stated, his breath blowing over the hickey he'd left on my thigh.

"You're so dirty, baby" Ashton whispered dipping his hand inside my lace thong. Everything froze, all of time stopped when his long, calloused fingers entered me, a recipe of emotion and pleasure instantaneously building up inside of me. My hips rocked against his fingers and I could feel a unruly fire building up deep inside of me. Ashton's eyes remained locked onto mine, a satanic smirk crossing his features as I cried out in pleasure.

"Shh baby, we don't want the others to hear do we now?" he teased, pushing his fingers deeper and deeper inside of me.

"Yes! Right there" I moaned, throwing my head back in pleasure as his pace continued to pick up.

"Who makes you feel this good?" Ashton demanded, "Tell me who makes you feel like this! Is it Calum? Can he make you feel they way I do?" I wanted to shout at him, tell him he couldn't bring Calum into this, couldn't make me choose, but I didn't trust my voice and the ever-increasing burning inside of me was surely about to reach it's climax. Ashton sensed this, finally ridding my body of my underwear and placing his soft, plump lips around my clit, running and flicking his tongue as he fingers continued to delve deeper and deeper. I scrunched my eyes closed, releasing a broken scream of pleasure as I reached my climax, my body instantly becoming weak and falling back into the mattress of my bed, the crumpled sheets bunching around my fingers.

I felt Ashton pull my thong back up and cover my thighs with my dress, his body then falling next to mine, a small kiss placed against my lips.

"Shit" I said, realising a deep breath, "that was...that was-"

"Amazing, extraordinary, out of this world? I know, I know, I'm very talented" he smirked, standing up and watching my reaction.

"Oh shut up you asshole" I said rolling my eyes, "it wasn't that amazing" I lied through my teeth. Ashton pulled me up from the bed, smiling cockily.

"Your screams would beg to differ" he taunted, exiting my room and leaving me breathless and searching perilously for a decent excuse for the racket.

Within a matter of moments Rosalie entered my room, the smirk painted on her face confirming my suspicions that I was far from quiet.

"Lani and Ashton sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G" she sang, "Although I'm pretty sure you were doing more than just kissing" she giggled, a crimson blush painting my cheeks.

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