chapter fourteen: alana

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I groaned in annoyance as I was woken by an assemblage of voices surrounding me, whispers filling my bedroom.

"Do you think she's awake?" I hear the unmistakable voice of Calum Hood.

"Shut up, you'll ruin the surprise" Michael says, followed by a mass amount of quarrelling from the remainder of people in my room.

"I'll ruin you all if you don't keep it down" I laugh, which is almost immediately followed by complete silence, peaking with one eye to see the look of shock on their faces. Calum, Rosalie, Michael, Luke and Dad surround my bed, a massive "Happy Birthday " banner hanging above them.

"You've got to be kidding me" I groan as they all simultaneously burst into the chorus of the famous birthday song. I'd managed a whole 3 months of Australia without any mention of my birthday, but naturally everyone knew.

Dad stepped forward, placing a rather large box on top of my lap.

"Happy 18th Birthday baby," he said, a grin like the Cheshire cat gracing his face "You're officially an adult and-"

"And can finally drink!" Michael interrupted, throwing a bottle of vodka onto the ever-growing pile of gifts. I laughed, sneaking a look at Calum, of whom I hadn't seen since Thursday night...the night we'd kissed. A small, gentle smile graced his features and my heart warmed simply from his presence.

"Me next, me next!" Rosalie exclaimed, pushing forward to place a beautifully black wrapped box, decorated with a velvet lavender bow.

"Oh, Ro-" I start but Rosalie is quick to shush me, telling me to open the box. My hands get to work with the wrapping and I take in a sharp intake of breath as I lay my eyes on the stunning virgin white lace dress, a breathtaking sight in itself.

"Oh my.." I whisper, shocked at the beautiful sight before me.

"Do you like it? Please say you like it?" Rosalie beams, fussing over her gift.

"Jesus, I love it, I love it so much! But wear am I suppose to wear something like this?" I ask, a knowing look passing between the unruly assemble.

"Well, that would be your next gift," Luke starts, but Calum interrupts

"We're throwing you a party!"

A burst of excitement surges through me and I run up and throw my arms around his neck, inhaling the gorgeous smell that surrounded Calum Hood. Almost instantaneously, I became suddenly aware of how little clothing covered my body, and I shyed away, a crimson blush creeping up my cheeks.

"Well then," Dad coughed awkwardly, "I'm going to start breakfast" and a chorus of "same" and "yeah me too" followed as the bundle of my friends departed from my room.

I yawned, stretching my arms as I opened my curtains to the breathtaking sight of Ashton Irwin, his unruly curls swept off his forehead by a cerise bandanna. As much as I'm hurt, no one could deny the beauty that I saw before me. His hazel orbs caught sight of my own and his eyes shamelessly raked up and down my legs, a smirk morphing his features.

"Hi" he mouthed, smiling. Despite my anger, I laughed and mouthed 'hey' back. Undoubtedly, he was an asshole, but he was an asshole who had the power and capacity to make my mood rocket.

"Happy Birthday" he spoke, granting me simple thumbs up. I giggled, shaking my head and making my way downstairs. He was such an utterly fantastic mindfuck.

The day progressed in a whirlwind of gifts and simultaneous "happy birthday"s, but all my mind could focus on was the way Ashton's curls fell so delicately across his tanned, glowing skin. Today was supposed to be about me, but once again, the boy with hazel eyes clouded my thoughts. By 8, Rosalie arrived with a bundle of instruments that were supposedly supposed to make my hair look half decent for once, and soon enough I was placed on a stool in front of my beautifully carved wooden mirror as she got to work with my hair.

"Sooo..." Rosalie dragged on, "Calum?" she giggled. I both externally and internally groaned, throwing my hands up to cover my ever-blossoming rosy cheeks.

"He told you?" I questioned, already picturing how I was going to slap my not Asian friend.

"Well...I mean he didn't exactly...yeah, yeah he told us" she laughed, letting down the next section of my hair. He was such an idiot.

"I think its sweet," she continued "he hasn't had feeling for someone in ages, you're good for him" With that said, I felt a wave of guilt fall over me as I realised I was still internally battling as to who I really wanted; the kind, sweet, comfortable friend or the bad, insanely infuriating, beautiful boy next door? Consumed in my thoughts, I hadn't realised Rosalie had finished with my hair and had run of to get my dress. I studied myself in the mirror and took in a sharp intake of breath. The girl I saw before me wasn't the boring, plain old girl I see everyday; she was dangerous, daring, breathtaking and strong. I felt beautiful, for once in my life, I felt as though I could stand tall and proud. Rosalie reappeared with heels and dress in hand. She ushered me into the bathroom, and I quickly slipped my leggings and jumper off, changing into my outfit for the night. I stepped out my bathroom, expecting to see Rosalie's jovial smile, but instead I was met with the boy who had consumed my thoughts for days on end. Within seconds, I felt self conscious as Ashton raked his eyes shamelessly over my body, lingering on my chest for a moment too long.

"Shit..." he whispered, taking three long strides towards me until I was backed against my white wall.

"You don't know how badly I want you right now" he growled, his eyes hooded. Breathing increased, I pushed my hand through his unruly curls, earning a groan.

"Give me a birthday I'll remember" I whispered, shocked at the words that had slipped out my lips. Ashton looked equally as shocked, but recovered quickly, placing his hands either side of my head. He pushed forward and took no time to attach our lips, grinding his body into mine. I moaned, gripping on to his curls as he threw me back upon my bed. I watched as his tall frame hovered over me, his eyes a dangerously dark black.

"I'm going to give you a birthday present you'll never forget"

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