chapter eight: alana

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Friday had come round quicker than I had anticipated and of course, being the complete and utter senseless human being that I am, I had decided that whatever I wore that day to school would be what I wore to the party; obviously my earlier judgement had been wrong.

I stood in my bedroom, well more of an island of clothes now, and tried on, for the 10th time, a new outfit; black skinny jeans and an oversized sweater. I'd never been the prettiest girl at school, or the skinniest for that matter, and I'd never really cared what people though; that is, until I met- stop! my subconscious reminds me. I was distracted from my thoughts as I heard a throaty laugh from outside, virtually running to the window to investigate.

"Ashhh..." the girl outside slurred, a girl I immediately recognized, with a sudden

jolt to my heart, as Ashton's so-called 'girlfriend'.

"How the fuck are you already drunk?" he laughed, half walking, half dragging her along to his car. I watched as he bent down, as if to kiss her, but suddenly registered someone was watching. His eyes caught mine and I was almost 100% sure I'd turned a deeper colour that a beetroot. His face looked almost worried, but the expression was gone in the space of a second, replaced with one of his signature smirks. Oh dear God, I thought to myself as I decided to give up on looking decent, how the hell was I suppose to make it through tonight?

"Lani!" I jerked as my dad's voice threw me from my trance, "Lani...sorry what's your name again?...Lani, Calum's here!" I laughed as I picked up my coat and took one last look in the mirror. This is it, I thought to myself, this is your first ever party. I stared at myself and followed my mother's old mantra — "don't frown honey, someone could be falling in love with your smile". Although, I didn't even need to plaster on a fake grin, because when my eyes met Calum's my whole face lit up.

"Don't be back too late!" my dad said, his eyes showing a subtle warning. I laughed and retreated towards the door, Calum following swiftly behind me.

"Make safe choices!" I heard my dad call, and silently thanked him for not being awkward about Calum and me.

"Let's get this party started!" Calum joked as we reached his car. I giggled and watched as he pulled out of the driveway. The route to Michael's house was silent, but comfortable and I realised that with every moment I spent with him, I felt more and more at ease. When Calum pulled up in front of a house practically brimming with people, I felt the knot in my stomach double in size. Realising my distress, Calum intertwined our hands and gave mine a reassuring squeeze. Music boomed through the speakers and red cups littered the pathway into the house. I watched as groups of people did body shots or grinded on each other in a primal manner. I grimaced as I spotted two people in the corner practically humping each other, swapping saliva like there was no tomorrow.

"Do you want a drink?" Calum shouted, filling up two red cups with some kind of liquor, still grasping my hand in his own. I nodded, continuing to watch all the different types of people. I took a gulp of the drink, which burned my throat, but I needed confidence if I had to encounter Ashton tonight.

Hand in hand, Calum lead me over to a group of around 6 people, several of whom I recognised.

"Cal, mate, hey! I right?" Luke slurred, as the girl next to him giggled at his attempt to make conversation.

"I'm really sorry about him" she laughed, running her hands through her perfectly cut hair "I'm Rosaline"

"I'm Lani, it's nice to meet you" I smiled, thankful for some female company. I watched as Calum and Luke jumped into a heated discussion about whether or not penguins were birds.

"Oh, I know. I've heard loads about you, Calum literally never shuts up" she smiles, as I blush, glancing at Calum who was currently making the point that penguins don't fly.

"So you're British right?  What's it like there" Rosaline asks, making conversation.

"It's...cold" I laugh, giving the only explanation I know how. I learn that Rosaline has the same aspirations as me, to become a writer, and that her and Luke have been seeing each other for almost 6 months. I find myself becoming more and more comfortable as she asks all the right questions, not pushing too hard on the sensitive topics, though I can tell she wants to ask more.

"Who's up for a game of truth or dare?" I hear his voice behind me and I can practically feel my pulse pounding beneath my skin. I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and I automatically know it's him as his touch lights something inside of me.

"Lani," he smirks, looking directly into my eyes "what about you?" I can barely get any words out, but nod my head and divert my attention to the ground, playing nervously with my hands. He takes a seat next to me, knowing exactly how much it's affecting me.

"So that's me, Calum, Luke, Michael, Rosaline, Taylor and...Lani" Ashton says, emphasizing my name. I watch as each person around me chooses dare, performing multiple task ranging from stripping all the way to full on heated make outs. When Michael finally says my name, I feel myself already turning red.

"Lani, truth or dare?" he smiles. I know I have to take the safe option, because god knows what I'll be forced to do otherwise, so I utter out a simple 'truth' as Ashton mocks me.

"Oh fuck off Ashton," Rosaline says, smiling at me

"Okay, Lani...are you a virgin?" Mikey asks me and I almost scoff at the cliché of the situation. Despite this, I still turn a deep colour of red, embarrassment pulsing through my veins.

"Uh..I...yeah" I say, and watch as Ashton's face morphs into his signature smirk.

"I'm not surprised," he laughs "Just look at her! Who the hell would want to be with...her?" I fight to hold back tears as I feel as though I've just been stabbed through the heart. Why the hell do you care so much?, I think to myself, but I can't even process that at the moment. I stand up and turn in the general direction of the exit, looking for any possible place I could just sit and cry and curse the boy with the hazel eyes.

I find myself on the deserted lawn of Mikey's house, and I don't even realise I'm crying until I feel the heat of my tears streaming down my face.

"Lani!" I hear someone's voice and I'm almost sure I'm imagining it when Ashton comes running out after me. The pained expression on his face is enough to make me stop walking, and I almost want to apologize for making him so distressed, almost.

"Lani," he breathes "I'm sorry, I just...are you crying?" I didn't even realise it was possible to feel as mortified as I do now until a smirk crosses his face. He doesn't say anything, just takes my wrist and pulls me towards his car.

"What the fuck?" I scream, tears flowing down my face and I freeze when his hand gently wipes them away. His hazel eyes captivate me and before I realise what's happening, his soft lips are on mine. I feel him take a sharp intake of breath, and I have no idea what I'm doing, but I can't stop. My entire body feels like it's been ignited, and I never want the feeling to go. His callused hands cup my flushed cheeks and I hear him whisper my name. He pulls back a little and plants a small kiss on my jaw, sucking ever so slightly. His words echo through my brain, and I push him off me, suddenly missing the contact.

"I...I can't" I whisper and I watch as his face turns cold. His hands immediately grip the steering wheel, and I watch as his angry façade returns.

"Get. Out" he growls, gritting his teeth, and when I don't move, he slams his hand into the wheel.

"I'm sorry," I whimper, leaving his car, tears stinging my eyes.

Why do you care so much?, my mind repeats my earlier question, but this time I know the answer. I care, because I need him. I care because...because I like Ashton.

A/N: I literally cannot thank everyone enough who reads this crap, I can't believe you guys have got me 100 reads! Seriously, thank you so much man.

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