{14} Catching up ✔️

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Alexis' POV

"Kid when you said you where going to do teenager stuff, I didn't think you were going to use the money for this." Tony says while

I stand in the middle of the kitchen with a pizza box, in the air being held up with my magic. "I was hungry." I grab a slice and took a bite. "And plus I'd thought y'all would want something to eat. JARVIS please call the others to eat."

"So Alex what did you do today?" Steve asks,taking a bite of his slice. we all decided that we should eat the pizza in the living room area. We told stories mostly about tony and his "party days". "Nothing really. I walked aimlessly around the city, went to a cafe talked to some locals ummm. . . Yeah that's it." Natasha gives me a look,"your lying, what else did you do?"

"Well I mean I got hungry and got this pizza. It took a good four hours to make." i shrugged and leaned back into the couch. "I wanted to see if they had some of my favorite books at the book store. but on my way there I realized half way to the store that they were all written in the future. and i'm not sure if the authors even exist in this universe." 

"kid you must be the most boring teenager i have ever met." i laugh at clint's remark. "what did you do normally do for fun in your universe anyways?" steve asks. "nothing really, i lived in a routine  sorta life. I would wake up, get dressed for school. Go to school at 6am, hang out with my one or two friends. Go to my classes, and in 99% of the classes i would suck up to the teachers, for when i didn't want to do anything they would send me to do their errands and i would get a 100 for the day. around 2 in the afternoon i would then go home, watch youtube and spend hours on social media until i fell asleep. and read a book between classes and my english class." 

"kid i have never felt so bad for someone in my life and that is saying something." tony says and takes a sip of his soda. i laughed and tried changing the subject.

"So what have y'all been doing while I was gone in Asgard?" I grab another slice of pizza.

"Uggggh- fury has been on our asses and making sure we don't have any stray aliens and has making us patrol the area." clint says while taking a sip of coke. "that's stupid, all of the aliens died when the missile hit the mother ship. yall are going on useless patrols. fury can be-" the elevator opens and fury walks in, "I can be what mena?" the others laugh at the timing and i roll my eyes. "You can be a pain the ass. there is no point in sending them on alien patrol. they are all dead." "how can you be so sure?" he crosses his arms, "well one have you seen alien movies. and two someone from space explained it. if i were yall, i would chill out. there won't be any alien invasion for a long ass time." 

"So there are more out there?" bruce asks looking a bit nervous. i took a sip of coke and nodded. "yeah but their is a special super group in space fighting those battles. Besides, no alien wants to be on earth, they think that the planet isn't worth invading. Loki just wanted attention from his bastard of a father, and he was being brained washed. so that wasn't him doing that." 

"Is that why you went to asgard?" steve asks. "Yes and no, i mostly went to do my job and to cuss out that odin fucker." now fury looks confused for a second and decided to pull up a chair and make himself at home. "Isn't odin like the king of asgard, and why did you cuss him out?" natasha asked. I chuckle and smirked, "He was horrible to his children, when bad people have secrets they don't want people to know about, its easier to blackmail them. and with the info i have i was able to help out loki with his sentencing." 

"kid why would you help him?" i shrugged, "why not he's going to get out eventually. Thor is going to need help, but don't tell him if ever comes back to hang out. He needs to come to loki so that he can make my job easier." tony shakes his head, "I don't believe you, what kind of dirt do you have on the king of asgard?"  I look at fury for a second and take a minute to think about my answer for his job offer. Why the fuck not its basically free money and it will get him off my back. hopefully gets my message. "He has a secret daughter that thor and loki don't know about. she was locked away by odin many many many years ago. she was the goddess of death. and some other important secret." Fury gives me a look and nods, meaning he got his answer. "and yall aren't allowed to tell them, i will know if yall do. that includes you heimdall. you will only make the problem worse." the others look confused. "he is a dude on asgard who can see everything this universe and protects the entrance to asgard."  "ooooooh" they all go. 

TIme skip to 12:00 

by now fury has left the building and everyone went to their rooms most likely asleep. Well except our teenage hero. 

"Man fuck time zones." i whisper out loud. It may only be a one hour difference but it still makes a difference. I lay down from my sitting down position and stare at the sealing, and think about the about the last past couple days. 

I was transported to my favorite fictional universe. which can be bad and good thing. 

I then find out that i was sent here with a purpose to help this universe. 

And with that purpose came a journal that can give me whatever i wanted as simple as a simple sentence. 

I got curious and wrote that i had superpowers and amazing clothes. 

with those superpowers i was able to cure my body dysmorphia when it came to my genderfluidity.

But not all bad i was able to help the avengers defeat the chitauri. 

I was able to go to Asgard

I got loki the sentence that was better than what he was originally going to get and was able to cuss out the king of asgard.

Came back to earth and was given a job by fury and got to hang out with the avengers. 

"What the fuck is my life." 

Written: April 24,2022

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