[15] "What in the wattpad y/n is this?"✔️

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Alexis' POV

I wake up the next morning to the sound of someone knocking at my door. I groaned from and turned to my other side, which caused my stomach to hurt and i start to feel nauseous, the person on the other side of the door starts knock louder. I use my magic to open the door but it got a bit out of control and slammed the door open. "Damn, kid you almost to rip the door of its hinges." I can hear them walk to my bed and sit on the edge. "You okay, kiddo." i shake my head, i turned back to my other side and groaned at the pain, i opened my eyes to see tony slightly concerned. "I think the effects of teleporting to another universe has finally caught up to you."  "I think so-" I quickly got up and slammed the bathroom door open and basically threw myself at the toilet. Tony got up and ran to my bathroom and squatted next to me and  held my hair out of my face. "Have you been running on adrenaline and no sleep, since you got here." 

"Yeah." and threw up all the little food i had in my system. Maybe you should take it easy until you feel better." I was going to argue but had to throw up basically my all stomach fluids into the toilet bowl. "don't even try argue with my kid, i will have someone basically babysit you until you fill better." I roll my eyes and once my stomach has thrown up everything, tony gets up and helps me up. I flush the mess that was my stomach, and brush my teeth. "I'm going to tell the others that your taking it easy until you get better." "okay" he leaves and i close the door behind him with my magic. 

I close the door to my bathroom and i take a long hot shower. 

i got out and dried off, i lock the door to my room and stood in the middle of the room in just a towel. what would a person wear in 2012? who the fuck would remember 2012 fashion?

"Jarvis what are the current fashion trends for teens?" 

"what website would you like to see, alexis?"

"ummm, has pinterest been released yet?"

"Yes, i was released in 2010. would you like to choose that website?" 

"ummm, sure and make an account." 

"what would you want to use as your email, username and password?" 

"my email will be alexismena076@Gmail.com. My username will be . . .TheMarvelousSpectre and my password is THEBESTAVENGER in all caps no space." 

"You search is ready." 

Suddenly a holographic screen popped out in the middle of the room, with the pinterest website up. I look at all of the current trends and cringe. "what in the Tumblr, wattpad y/n shit is this?" 

what the fuck were we thinking when we made this shit fashion? what the fuck is with the culture appropriation legging. why salmon color everything. Fuck low rise jeans. the outfits are either really plain or highlighter colors and weird patterns, no inbetween.  Not the stupid mustangs.

I sigh, "Jarvis can you please call natasha to my room. Tell her i need help." I use my magic to unlock the door. As i scroll through pinterest i hear quick footsteps coming towards my room and my door is opened. Natasha comes in with a gun in hand ready to shoot someone. "what's with the gun?" 

"jarvis said you needed help." she puts away her gun and i close the door with my magic, but it slams close. "yeah i need your opinion, and i want complain. do you like fashion?" she sits on my bed. "yeah i like to occasionally go out in the town. why?" 

"im going to rant for bit so get comfortable. so firstly tony said i needed to take it easy today, so i was going to take this time to finally take the time to adjust to this universe and this . . ." I wave my hands around "whole decade. So i was like let's start with fashion. I thought it was going to be easy to take in and adjust to but this is horrible." she laughs, "It can't be that bad. what can be different in a couple years?" I gasp, "Natasha their is a BIG difference." "show me then." I roll my eyes.

"Jarvis pull up that one venn diagram with the two circles intersecting." the diagram pop up with one circle had 2012 fashion and the other is 2019 fashion. "lets start with 2012,"

"bright colors but in an annoying way, the random as scarves and beanies in the middle of summer. what is with that, its hot there is no need for that. all of the culture appropriation on everything. like if they wore that in 2019, they would get canceled and dragged on twitter. pattern EVERYTHING, just why. low rise jeans, as a thick person these were sent from the bottom pits of hell. why is every piece of clothing have to be a different color it doesn't hurt to match a couple of colors. and from what i can remember this all came from pinterest, tumblr and instagram, they 100% have the teenage population in a choke hold." with each thing i pointed out in an outfit on the pinterest  hologram. 

"now some things that we still do in 2019, its not much but it's something i noticed. one, thrifting. two goes with one but i don't care. Vintage. three, something that 2012 has yet to master is layering. when i show you the outfit i'm going to wear, you will understand." she nods. 

"In 2019, aesthetic is key. you may be wondering, what do you mean alex? well its just a category of style you choose to wear. like most thing it can be very fluid, like academia. a personal favorite, it is fashion that emphasizes education and has a vintage preppy vibe to it. their is six diffrent shades of academia but their two main types. there is dark academia which is just darker colors like mutable colors, dark greens, browns,and blacks. the second one is light academia that have natural tones like white, yellows and light tans. in each aesthetic will fall under a dark tones or a light tones." 

"Era clothes are a big but nothing really from 2010 through 2018. mostly 90's fashion. since yall are currently going through a recession big labels aren't it can be seen as rude. so if i wanted to go to a fancy party i would dress like old money. like you have inherited dead millionaire grandpa's money. since in 2019 was a start of a pandemic we dressed to comfort we made baggy clothes look cool." 

"there is a pandemic in the future?" "oooooh i shouldn't have brought that up, but don't worry it won't happen here." "how can you be sure?" i smirk, "don't worry about it, just know it will not happen." she narrowed her eyes but i smiled. "sometimes i don't believe everything you say." I close both of the holographs. "you shouldn't, because things can change. like i said everything is fluid, and can be changed. I can say that you die in a couple years and later i do something small and you end up not dying in a couple of years. you never know." 

i snap my fingers and i am now wearing a white cut tank top, dark grey flannel and mute green sporty shorts. "see mutable colors, this a simple outfit but it is stylish and comfortable." she nods, "yeah if i ever go out you are so going to be my stylists. and maybe you should hang out with steve, since he is from the past and you are from the future, you can help each other out. you teach him about this decade and you try to get used to stepping back in time on the latest trends." i roll my eyes, "sure why not, but i'm going to wear my time fashion." she laughs and leaves the room. 

i lay back onto my bed and think about all the dumb trends and challenges, i'm not going to lie the music this decade has some really good music.

Written: April 25,2022

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