{9} A Trip to Asgard and Back pt.1✔

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Samantha's POV

"Sam, what are you going to do?" Bruce asks, I take out my phone and go into my gallery, "well, if I am correct and if I downloaded the right information. Then I am taking a quick trip to Asgard." Everyone else looks at thor for his response, "I am not sure if Odin will allow me to bring you along lady Samantha." I smirk, "I'll only be there for a day or two, besides odin and your mother need some information. To make their life and my job easier." "Is the information of importance." I nod as I take a drink of Pepsi. "Yep, or do you want me to stay and not tell your parents, which will make my and your whole life easier than it supposed to be."

"Wait but isn't your job to make sure our lives go exactly to plan?" Natasha ask. "Yes, but I am given the option and opportunity to make your lives slightly easier. And trust me y'all need all the help y'all can get, because from now on your lives are just going to get more troublesome. I'm nice like that."

"I think it's time to take your brother back to Asgard, Thor. Any longer and he will be sent to SHIELD prison." Steve says getting up. Thor nods and we get up.

Tony pays the check and leaves a tip, We all walk out and thor picks up mjolnir, that was attached to Loki's chain. I let out a chuckle, and put my leftovers in my portal of holding, (Pocket Dimension).

Time skip

We get to the Bethesda Terrace in Central Park and loki, thor and I get in position. Tony takes out a device for the tesseract, "who has the tesseract anyway?" Bruce asks. "Oh I do, one second." I make a door like portal, into my portal of holding, and walk in and make a duplicate of the tesseract and place the duplicate on a pillar I made appear. I walk out and place the tesseract into the device. "Did you have that in there the whole time?" Clint questions, I nod and close my portal.

I place the tesseract in the device and Tony passes it to thor and loki, I hold onto thor's hammer. "I see y'all in a day or two, don't die." I send them a slight wave, "right back at you kid." I nod at thor and he twists the device and we are swallowed by the blue portal that I knew from a couple of hours ago.

Not long I feel solid ground on feet and open my eyes."Your majesties, Lady Samantha, welcome and welcome back to Asgard." A voice says next to me, that I knew all to well. "Holy shit, your Heimdall." He chuckles, "yes and it is a pleasure to meet you." "Nah man the pleasure is mine, your so cool. Maybe after this we can have a chat, but for now I have to go do my job." He does a slight nod, "of course." I wave my goodbye and float behind Thor and loki.

A guard comes towards us, "Thor you are needed with lady Sif and the others, I suggest to let me tak-" I step in, "Thor don't worry I'll take loki." Thor nods, "very well, sir Michael. Lady Samantha will take care of Loki."   "Very well, your majesty." The guard leaves and Thor hands me Loki's chain. "I'm sure you will be able to take my brother to my father, lady Samantha." I nod, "yep and don't worry after I will meet up with you sooner or later." He nods and swings his hammer and starts flying. Once he is out of sight, I take off Loki's muzzle. "I'm not going to lie to you Loki, Odin is going put you in prison." He rolls his eyes, "I am very much aware." We start walking, "but there is a good to this, your not going to stay there too long. It will take a year or two but your going to get out." He sends me a questioning look, "Why are you telling me this?" "Because I want to be your friend, you may have done some bad stuff but I understand why you do it. If anything I think Odin was a bad father figure and bad person in general. Oof, if only you knew the bad shit he has done before Thor was born." "You know this information how?" "Being from a different universe has its perks." We get to the very large door, "I recommend to stay quite and let me do the talking." I whisper as we made our way to the throne. "Very well, but I will speak when I wish." I roll my eyes, as I do I see guards on the sides and two behind loli and I, Odin is on the throne and queen frigga is standing next to the throne. I use my magic to block anyone from entering my head.

"Loki" Frigga says very concerned. "Hello, mother have I made you proud?" The first thing I told him was to shut the fuck up. "Please don't make this worse." Loki smirks, "Loki what did we fucking talk about." I whisper yelled through a fake smile.

"Enough! Leave, I will speak to the prisoner alone." I raise my eyebrow, as the guards leave, Odin stares me down but I stay my ground. "I said I wanted to speak to the prisoner alone, midgardian!"

"First of all, who do you think you yelling at? You may be a king but your not going be yelling at me like they didn't teach you manners." Odin looks taken back and angry, frigga looks shocked and Loki looks like he is about to laugh his ass off. "Now that is out of the way, let me introduce myself. My name is Samantha Mena and I from a different universe where this universe is fictional and is in movies. I know some of the future and some of hidden past." I send Odin a look saying I know everything, and gesture towards the painting of the family on the ceiling. "I am here to make sure that everything goes to plan of the creators of this universe. Also, I am a friend of Thor and helped him to retrieve Loki and bring him back here. Your welcome by the way." Odin scoffed, "very well then, I will continue with loki's sentencing." I nod and stand by Loki.

"Loki, do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go there is war, ruin and death."

"I went down to midgard to rule the people of earth as a benevolent God. Just like you."

"We are not gods. We are born, we live, and we die. Just as humans do. Give or take 5000 years. All of this because Loki desired the throne."

"It is my birthright!"

"Your birthright was to d-!"

I get angry at this comment, "Odin I suggest you not finish that sentence. You are the reason why Loki has done all the evil he has done. Loki and Thor still do not know your past but I do and after this mess I would like to have a conversation with you and your wife."

He ignored me, "As a child. Cast out onto a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in, you would not be here now to hate me." I roll my eyes. "If I am for the axe, then for mercy's sake, just swing it." Oh Loki, don't think like that.
"It's not that, I don't love our little talks, it's just. . . I don't love them." I nod my head slightly.

"Frigga is the only reason you are still alive and you will never see her again. You will spend the rest of your days in the dungeons." The guards come in and pull loki back, he looked scandalized. "Don't worry Loki remember wht I told you before." I message him. "And what of Thor? You'll make that witless oaf king while I rot in chains?"

"Thor must strife to undo the damage you have done. He will bring order to the nine realms and then, yes. He will be king." Loki is taken away, but before he is fully gone I message him again, "remember what I told you Loki."

I watch as they close the large doors, when closed I turn around and clap my hands once. "Now that is over, about that meeting with you and queen frigga." "Why do you think I will listen?" "Well it is very important information concerning you and your wife but mostly information of a certain person who is hidden away." I point up at the painting of the Royal Family. His face pales and sighs. "Very well."

Written on: Oct. 16,2020

Hello my travelers sorry I didn't publish anything last month. I have not been feeling good since the end of August and I'm still a little bit out of the weather. But I have been getting better, and finally able to write. Hope y'all can forgive me.

Don't forget to keep traveling, my travelers.


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