{10}Death Dealer Pt.2 of A Trip to Asgard & Back✔️

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Samantha's POV

"So why are you really here, Dear?" Frigga asks as I look around the room, golden walls with a dark oak, long table in the middle of the room. Frigga sits next to the head of the table and I sit across from "Well, my main reason is to tell you and your husband as much information as I am allowed to tell you. And also to check out Asgard in person, but also have a nice chat with your husband." "I am not sure if I should believe you, I cannot read your mind." "Ah, well as a gift from the creator of this universe, I was given a journal that gives me anything I write in. . . And I sorta gave my self powers. To make my job a bit easier." "Oh, and where did you say you were from, dear." "Oh well, I'm from a different universe where this universe is fictional." Frigga was about to speak but.

"Don't believe her Frigga," Odin says as the doors close behind him. "Ah, the winner of the worst father in the whole universe has arrived. You came in first by 1%. Now that you have imprisoned two out of three children, how do u feel now that you won the worst dad in the universe?" I pretend to point a microphone at him. "How do you know of Hela, mortal?" "Like I said earlier, I'm from another universe where you and many others are fictional. I am simply just giving warning to the two of you." "Is that a threat?" "No, I just come with the knowledge that will come in your future. I will give you your choices?" "Choice of what, dear?"

I take a deep breath, "well for you lady Frigga, your first choice will be if you would like to know your fate or not?" "I think it would be wise to know." "Well, you're going to die in the beginning of next year. I cannot tell you how but I will give you another choice, and I plan on asking everyone who is planned to die, would you like to die the way your fate says our would you like to die by my hands, which will be more peaceful and more humane?" Before he can answer Odin speaks up, "Why can't you stop her death?" I roll my eyes, "Because I can only stop the deaths of people who do not have an impact on the universe's plotline, and if you have noticed, and doubt that you noticed, but your sons' lives are greatly impacted by Lady Frigga's death. So I ask AGAIN, do you want your death to be how your fate is written or the one I offer." She takes a moment to think,

"How much of an impact does my death truly do to Loki and Thor?" Without much thinking I answer, "Loki of course get impacted greatly, he does some thinking and moral thinking when he finds out. Yes, he will be depressed but i'm sure someone will be there to help him through it.-" I wink at her but make sure odin doesn't notice. "-Thor will want to get revenge out of anger but after he will have a time of greif and thinking, but it makes him a stronger person in the future along with loki of course." She smiles "If what you say is true then. . . I think I should let fate takes it's course, but I need you to promise me something when the day comes, you will do my last request I ask in my last moments." I nod my head, " I promise." She smiles and gets up from her seat, "I am sure you and my husband have important things to talk about. I have important things to take care of." I nod with a smile, I send her a quick message, "Tell Loki i said hi and that I will visit him in a couple of days." She sends me a look as she walks out the door, and I guess she said yes.

As the door closes I turn my attention to Odin with a serious and unamused look. "Lets get this out of the way right now. I do not tolarate lying and horrible fathers, like yourself. I will be doing the talking I will give you your time to speak, but when i am speaking I am in charge and shouldn't be talked over. If you do any of things that get me angry I will let your death be more painful and than what it actually is." "Is that a threat?" I raise an eyebrow, "firstly, That is a god damn promise. Secondly, you have one strike. If you interupt me two more times I will make your death more cruel and I will have no problem telling both of your son of all the horrible secrets this castle and land have within it. And I will start with the little friends you have under the floor of your precious vault you have." He gets a bit concerned but quickly hides it with a serious look. "Fine, but you said something about my death?" I roll my eyes, "Don't get your drapes in a twist old man, you still have some pages in your book. You're going to be on vacation most of the time but you don't have to worry about that. My main focus is how you stupidly locked your only daughter away, then lie to your sons, who don't even know about their older sister and lastly locking your adopted, mentally ill son forever and to never to see the light of day and to never talk to the only person they trust. And not even listening to his reason on why he fucking did it, not only you but Thor too."

He rolls his eyes, "Why should I listen to his side of the story, He did it just to anger me. He is not even my son." I get furious and stand up and grab him by the front of his robes and slap him. I ignore the stinging in my hands and start to yell at him. "Now you listen to me, you son of bitch of a boomer, that person you put in a jail cell is your FUCKING son. You stole him as a FUCKING trophy and you raised him. Thus making him you son, you son of a bitch. And your SON has fucking GREEN eyes, when he was down in earth his eyes were FUCKING BLUE meaning he was mind controlled. Mind-controlled by the person you SHOULD be afraid from. And that person is not going to stop untl he has completed his life mission. Your FUCKING lucky you will be dead before he fucking completes it. You can't take back Loki's Imprisonment but I recommend you at least let him see his only good parent and the reason why he is still alive." I let him go and straighten his robe a bit. "Now that, that's finished (you want to see my renegade.) I will take my leave and go say goodbye to Thor."

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 ◆Ver.2Where stories live. Discover now