🥷Talia and Mikey found unoccupied seats in the center row bleachers, which provided a perfect view for the sequence of performances and presentations; not too high up where they couldn't enjoy the whole scene, but also not sitting too close where you had to look too far up or down and be closer to the noise. On the opposite end of the room, Talia saw the school newspaper crew setting up the backdrop and cameras for pictures. April was there, too, adjusting her digital camera while talking to her supervisor. She noticed Talia and waved back and smiled.
After the principal made a few opening remarks, the pep rally begun. First, the homecoming king & queen candidates entered through the south doors in pairs, the girls fitted in their best dresses and the guys in suit and ties. They waved to the crowd like they were celebrities walking down the red carpet. Overhead Talia heard her peers' discussing who was more worthy of their vote as king and queen; she knew that whoever won would be the talk of the town for weeks to come.
Then, the JROTC group came out, synchronized in every move they made as the entire gym recited the school's creed and Pledge of Allegiance. Having her right hand over her heart while saying America's patriotic oath, it brought back Talia a memory where she was studying for her citizenship test. She only had to answer one question— which seemed easy enough, as she was comfortable in her knowledge of U.S. culture, people, and history— but the question, in turn, asked her to write down the Pledge of Allegiance word per word. For a minute, Talia had felt her mind go blank; that was something she merely skimmed once or twice. No way would she be asked about it, right? At the last second she remembered, but her overconfidence nearly cost her her shot at having dual citizenship.
Finally, it was time for the team to make their entrance. Talia and Mikey stood up, ready to cheer Raph on. Mikey even unstrapped his megaphone and put the end of it close to his mouth.
Roosevelt Prep's band players went into full swing, executing a harmonious piece played by the percussionists, trumpeters, and wind instrumentalists. The soccer coach's voice boomed through the speakers as he introduced each athlete, each name provoking screaming fests and round of applauses. When Raph's name was called, Talia whooped and cheered while Mikey yelled into his megaphone: "YEAH! RIGHT THERE'S THE BEST SOCCER PLAYER, FOLKS!"
Much to Talia's prediction, Raph facepalmed and made a face— a face that wished a boulder would come tumbling from the sky and squish him. Talia could only smile watching his reaction.
In between the choreographed routines from the cheerleader and dance squads, Talia noticed two things: one, Mikey was acting more springy than usual. He was quite literally on the edge of his seat and wouldn't stop shaking his legs, staring back and forth at the confetti machines stationed at each corner of the gymnasium in close proximity to the bleachers; two, was that April had stopped recording— which according to her— was the biggest sin anyone could commit when on the newspaper crew during an event like this one. Her expressions kept changing from confusion to worry.
Needless to say, Talia had no idea for the reasoning behind her friends' behavior. Certainly it was odd, but it wasn't odd enough to stir her attention away from the rally.
That was where things got even stranger. It seemed like everything had gone in slow motion. Talia saw April hand her camera over to her supervisor and run in her direction, but it looked like she was running through slime. Mikey grinned big and wide in anticipation, still staring at the confetti machines. Even Raph sensed that something wasn't right— turning his head left and right as if he were on the lookout.

When Shadows Rise | I
FanfictionCover made by @QueenCamaron How well does someone TRULY know someone? Talia Elbaz couldn't be more happier. She's got everything: wealth, beauty, family, and her best friend. She didn't think anything could ruin her, until a tragic incident invol...