There wasn't any point sticking around until the bell rang, so Raph and the others decided to get their things and pack it up. Who was going to stop them, anyway? The office ladies and the security guard were also among the hundreds of people in the gymnasium who were put to sleep. Hopefully by the time they wake up, they'll realize everything was just a bad dream.
Still, it bothered Raph knowing that Shredder had sent three of his soldiers to infiltrate the school— and in broad daylight, too! If Shredder was willing to break the 'ninjas stay in the shadows' rule, then that meant he was either pissed or desperate. Pissed, because now his secret drug operation with The Count was not-so secret anymore— or desperate, because he's still looking for the item he claimed Genesis stole and somehow believes Talia is the key to.
But Raph knew Talia was clueless over that matter. He had a feeling she lived in a cloud since day one, unaware of her mother's shady dealings. How did Genesis do it? Cover everything up with a smile and a lie?
"Man, what are we gonna tell Dad and the others?" Mikey asked Raph as he dug his hand into his backpack. "This school is known for its good security!"
Security had nothing to do with it. Raph knew that what really allowed The Reaper and his friends' to 'sneak in' without any trouble was the weird technology in their possession. And what about the crazy 'shadow manipulation' act The Reaper pulled to make his weapon appear? Where did he learn that? From Shredder?
"Well, we have to loop them in, obviously," Raph said. "Maybe after this we can plan our next move against this 'Duck'—"
"Hold up," Mikey interrupted, "what 'Duck?'"
"Shredder," Raph whispered. They were outside right now where a handful of people were casually walking down the street, and Raph knew how nosy those passing by can be. "When in public we'll use the word 'duck' as his codename."
"But why 'duck?' Can't we use something like sharks or wolves or tigers—"
"Just use the word duck," Raph said irritably. "This duck started this fight, and now we're going to finish it."
"I thought Dad always told us never to go looking for fights."
"Yeah, well, maybe this duck should've thought of that before sending his ducks to throw bread at us."
"But this duck knows how to hide, Raph. How are we going to draw him out?"
Raph sagged his shoulders, frowning. "I don't know. But he'll rear his ugly head out soon and when he does, we'll be there waiting for him."
April and Talia, who were a little far behind them, caught up as the four walked out through the entrance. Glancing at April, Raph couldn't picture April with glowing eyes and suddenly have the power of God and anime on her side. He wasn't saying Talia was a liar, but maybe she hit her head a little too hard after being whacked.
"Today was a crazy day, folks," April announced, trotting down the steps. She was squinting every few seconds or so— probably an incoming migraine. "I am going to sleep this shit off."
"You sure you can't remember doing any of the stuff Talia says you did?" Raph asked, humoring Talia's claim for a moment.
April rolled her eyes. "Seriously, Raph, I can't. All I remember is seeing black. That's it."

When Shadows Rise | I
Fiksi PenggemarCover made by @QueenCamaron How well does someone TRULY know someone? Talia Elbaz couldn't be more happier. She's got everything: wealth, beauty, family, and her best friend. She didn't think anything could ruin her, until a tragic incident invol...