🥷Through a text message sent by Raph, Talia read that his father had enough time to do a quick meditation session before heading to the soccer game. Talia almost couldn't believe that the game would still go on after what had happened in the gymnasium today, but in reality, she wasn't really sure how much everyone remembered before getting punched by that sleeping gas. If they were lucky, they wouldn't remember the fact that technically the school was under attack.
As much as Talia would love to go the game and support Raph and the rest of the soccer team, she knew she couldn't. She felt like punishing herself when she lied to Raph, but she knew she had to complete her new task at hand. Her and everyone she knew's lives were at risk if she didn't.
When she got to the familiar amber-colored-coated house, shining like a pot of caramel under the rays of the fall-tinted sunset, she felt her shoulders lift. Her fingers were tinkering with her necklace nonstop. Her plan for tonight was only heaping pile after pile of stress and worry on her mind until it could only grow so tall; she wanted to shorten the pile somehow.
Taking off her shoes and setting them aside, before she could raise her hand and knock on the door, it swung open and there was Mikey, already dressed and ready for the game.
"I didn't even knock." Talia was about to question how Mikey could've known when to exactly open the door, but then she stopped herself; he was a ninja, of course. He probably mastered every one of his five senses.
Mikey shrugged, his bubblegum popping when the bubble reached its maximum size. "My dad's expecting you, remember? It was just a matter of when."
Talia was ushered in, with Mikey closing the door behind her. She noticed right away how awfully quiet the house was. "So it's just you and your father?" she asked.
Mikey nodded. "Leo and Nee-Chan said they would wait for us at the stadium; seeing that Don's in another state and doing last-minute work, said he couldn't make it. But he said he sends virtual support exactly two-hundred-and-thirty-three miles away— his words, not mine."
"I see."
"So anyways—" Mikey launched himself somersault-style to the couch, "—you feeling any better?"
Talia went ahead and touched her head bump, feeling that it wasn't as swollen as before. "A little, yeah. Maybe I should start choosing a name for my new friend here."
"Just remember to pick a cute name for it; cute names have to go with pretty faces— which was the opposite case for Raph."
Talia couldn't help but giggle hearing Mikey compliment her, but insult Raph. The subject of her bump led her to think about the fight that caused it, which brought forth her next question: "So. . . did you and Raph tell your family everything?"
Mikey rose only his upper body from his laying position. He stuck out his bottom lip, pouting, "I'm beginning to wish I hadn't. Dad said he was going to double our training! You know what this means, right? Less time binge-watching cartoons while eating pizza!"
"I'm sure the training isn't that bad."
Mikey stared at Talia like he was trying to peer into her very soul. "Oh, you have no idea, Tals. No idea."

When Shadows Rise | I
FanfictionCover made by @QueenCamaron How well does someone TRULY know someone? Talia Elbaz couldn't be more happier. She's got everything: wealth, beauty, family, and her best friend. She didn't think anything could ruin her, until a tragic incident invol...