Chapter 9

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After we got back home, the minute we got in I shouted, "I'm Hunrgyyyy"

"Someone get her food before she becomes Hangry!!" Mia, Nik, Hope, Uncle Nik and Uncle Kol yelled in unison.

"Keep her on normal Hungry! Pizza's not done!" Aunt Bex yelled from the kitchen. I growled jumping on the couch.

Uncle Finn and Esther gave a confused look to all of them.

"She's a different person when she's Hangry. And You don't wanna see her" Nik clarified.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"And She's started. Auntie Bex!!" Hope yelled.

"Almost" Aunt Bex exclaimed.

"Eliza. Catch" Dad yelled throwing me a bottle of sprite from the fridge. I caught it and drank a gulp and immediately spat it out.

"Who The hell switched Vodka with Sprite?!" I yelled. Uncle Nik grabbed the bottle from me and Dad opened the fridge again and sipped on almost every single bottle of sprite and finally threw me a bottle of coke. I drank it and it was finally normal.

"Are you normal? God Handling you is like being in a snickers ad" Mia exclaimed.

"Oh C'mon!" I exclaimed sipping the coke.

"Pizza's done!" Aunt Bex said.

"Thank Goodness" I exclaimed shooting up from the couch and heading to the dining room.

Finally, after Lunch and calming down, I decided to Paint. Again. Cause it was boring. But this time with Uncle Nik.

"Liz. Catch this" Uncle Nik said throwing a black paint tube. I caught it.

"Why do we need Black? I thought we were doing a snowflake?" I asked.

"You need to bold it. Squeeze it out a little bit. Not too much" He said. I shrugged and did as he said. 


Guys, I know It's Really, really, really short, but I swear this is not this week's complete content. I will post again on Wednesday with a bigger, way more interesting Chapter. And Just be ready to brace yourselfs for quite a shock that I've kept away from you guys. Seat Belts recommended  💺

Anybody Care to guess what?? 




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