Prologue 1.

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Fire are spreading, screams are raising, the whole place was dyed in crimson with all of the indiscriminate killing.


"S-Stop! Don't... my daughter!"

"Papa...! Papa...!"

One of the human settled village has been attacked by green ugly creatures. They have short stature but agile body. They are not too intelligent that's why the village let their guard down, and now they are suffering full massacre.

The sound of clothes ripping can be heard from a distance, accompanied by a high pitched scream.

"Gyahahaha what a nice catch! We can have her as one of our nursery!"

"Hey Gobko! No fair I wanna taste her!"

Killing, kidnapping, rape, torture, looting, and arson. The village become sight for hell. The foul smell of blood and scorching flesh wafted on their noses but the goblins continued the carnage.

On the middle of the place stood a man---, no he's not a man. Not a human. He has the same green skin, long pointed ears, and ugly sharp eyes just like the other goblins. But he has the same height as human. He was the leader of the goblins.

He smiled at the sight, flashing his sharpened teeth.

"Gahahaha! That's right humans, feel the despair!"

The world of Nethoria, where magics and swords are commonplace. This world where different races coexists with each other.

The humans, which occupies the largest population of the world. Even though they are inferior in terms of strength to other races, they are versatile and adaptive. But somehow foolish.

The Demi-Humans, they are considered as humans with with animal or beast traits on them. They can be dwarfs, elves, or anima folks. Demi-Humans didn't get along with humans either but have a certain agreement of not bothering each other and even offering some trades.

And then, there are the Monsters which threatened the safety of world. They attack any humans or Demi-Humans on sight, and some of them are intellectual and hard to defeat.

They are the common enemy of all races.

As the the leader watch everything happen, a troop of goblins arrived.

"Boss, knights are coming!" They reported.

"Alright, hey you lot! Take everything you can and let's scram!" He ordered.

The goblins obediently do as he said. All of them took every useful things they can. Be it foods, tools, and even women.

Once they finished looting, all of them escaped the scene.

The knights arrived but they are already late. Among the Knight, was the chosen Hero, Prince Schwartz Liston Anaheim. The Young Prince of Anaheim Kingdom, and a Reincarnator.

He took out a pendant hanging on his neck and muttered.

"Laylaine, I promise I will find that hobgoblin and rescue you."

He clutched the pendant as he prays for the safety of his lover, Laylaine a fellow reincarnator. She was captured long ago by the same hobgoblin who attacked the village.

Meanwhile on the hideout of the goblins, a certain cave in the Great Forest Of Strom, the leader of the goblin sat on a throne provided for him.

"Gahahaha! It was just the beginning. Now... Humans, show me your despair, feel my sweet revenge!"

The cave filled with sinister laughter and accompanied by pained moan from the captured women.

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