Chapter 1: Reincarnators.

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White.... Everything was white. He couldn't feel his body anymore, the body which was used on abuse, the body which he despised.

He could just feel like floating, drifting, and getting swept by something. Travelling in uncertainty.

And then, the white, white void reaches its end and he was engulfed with darkness this time.

"Ugyaa! Ugyaaa!"

"Waah! Waaah!"

He woke up on the sound of eerie cries. From the sound of it, it comes from a newborn babies. Once he opened his eyes, he found himself in a pitch black place.

His body was covered in a sticky liquid making him feel gross. It has a foul smell of blood and somewhat urine. He was covered in stinking liquid but he doesn't cared about that. More importantly, he didn't know what happened.

Confused, he tried to get up only to find that he has no strength to do so.

What's happening? E-eh?! W-What?! The voice on my mind-- eh?! He felt confused, the voice on his mind speaks a different language. But for some reason, he could understand it.

T-This is insane!

Once his eyes got used to the darkness, he surveyed his surroundings. He still could hear the crying beside him. And then when he looked at the source of the cry, he gasped.


He was lying beside a green ugly creature. Even as a baby it looks hideous, he even feel the urge to throw up.

What the hell?!

As he was panicking inside, he saw a light coming towards them. He was sure it was light coming from fire. And then, a group of short men arrived.

The one holding a torch--- their single source of light--- was a short old man with green skin, sharp pointed eyes, and long pointed ears. The others which are following the old man, are much buffer and younger than him.

When he saw him, he immediately understood. He was in a cave with goblins as its inhabitants. And if he was with them, then....

Using the light which illuminates the surrounding, he looked at his arm.

It was thin, and green. His tiny fingers has slightly long nails. At that moment, he realized...

I'm a goblin.

A wide smile crept on his face, feeling immeasurable happiness. Normal people would gone mad if they found out they are reincarnated as a goblin, but for him, it was different.

At last! I'm no longer a filth of a species! I'm not a human anymore! Gahahahaha whoa---!

As he was celebrating, he got picked up by the old goblin.

"This one, looks promising. I name, Gobyu!"

And then the goblin Gobyu was born.


"Congratulations Prince Schwartz, for being enrolled to Anaheim National Academy!"

"Congratulations, my dear son."

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